Arrow Recap S2E2: Identity

Stephen shows us yet another great workout. As if Arrow wasn't a great enough show, those little workouts of his are truly a sight to behold.

Roy plays chicken with some of the Triad, interfering with a hijacking, and gets his pretty little ride shot up and smashed up in the process. And in the end it didn't matter, because China White got the truck anyways. And all Roy got is framed.

At the club, Oliver decides to launch the crusade 2.0. Thea gets a call that Roy is in custody, and she's not the least bit surprised. Roy in the mean time is getting put over the coals by Laurel over a red arrow. Laurel feels betrayed by "The Hood," and she's only interested in taking him down.

Thea bails Roy out. Laurel has the charges dropped, and she presses Oliver to get him info about the Vigilante, telling him that he has to be stopped. She's barking up the wrong tree though. Oliver has a little heart to heart with Roy, and his iron grip may have just set off an alarm and compromised his identity. Roy isn't planning on stopping anytime soon, better off dead than in the hospital. The Triad have all but killed the hospital supply, and only Roy has done anything to stop them.

Olly flashback time. Slade goes over his little recon map, trying to figure out why the men are on the island. He tells Shado that Oliver needs someone to save him from his memories, and she takes him away.

Oliver goes to check out just how dire the hospital. Oooooh and looky looky its Kevin Alejandro! A very outspoken citizen, Sebastian Blood speaking out against the Glades hospital. Oliver is planning to atone for his families crimes, and help rebuild. Blood instantly turns the people against him, and Oliver is forced to make quick getaway.

Felicity doesn't want to to play secretary, but the need for her to have this secret identity is crucial. And although she won't get him coffee she agrees to make a reservation for himself, Digg and Carly. Digg is hiding something! It'll come out soon enough.

As Oliver hears the bad press, he has another flashback. Shado washes away the blood from his hands. He fears the island is changing him, and although Shado tells him that nothing can make you something your not, that where there is darkness there is also light, that the killer stands beside the hero. They're both inside, and then they shed their clothes.

Felicity fills Oliver in on the next scheduled shipment to the Glades, and Oliver plans to take action. The motorcycle group tries to the shipment, but the Vigilante is there to assist. China takes action and makes off with one truck, when low budget wolverine, the Bronze Tiger distracts the Vigilante. He and Olly battle, until the cops come and ruin everything. Olly is forced to make a quick getaway, but not before Laurel has spotted him. Does she know who the Vigilante really is, or is she really that dense?

Oliver regroups in his lair. Nothing he does is making anything better. Felicity finally spills the beans, Digg and Carly split. Being a part of this double life took its tolls on his life as well.

Roy cleans up at the club. Thea gives Roy his final check. She can't keep watching him get hurt, and so she gives him an ultimatum. They're both stubborn as heck, and yet both right in what they need. Roy may love Thea, but he'll save the city, because he has hero tendencies.

Oliver invites Sebastian Blood into his office to meet. Oliver tries to set the record straight. Although Oliver is ready to change public opinion and help the Glades, but Blood thinks he's part of the problem. Oliver is ready to be the solution, and they come up with a game plan to open a few eyes. Blood is surprised by the gesture, and is willing to play ball.

Slade interrupts naked time, and the trio set out. Slade cautions Oliver to not fall for Shado, that she's a distraction and going to get him killed.

The Vigilante comes to visit Laurel, but she's done with the disguises. She wants him to be taken down. She blames him for Tommy's death. She saw him run away from Tommy, too busy fighting a duel with Merlin to save one, if only she knew the blow she just dealt. Poor Oliver, he already has more guilt that she could imagine over Tommy's death.

Oliver's benefit looks like a smash hit, bringing Laurel and Blood together. Oliver as normal is tardy to the party. But before he can make an entrance, Felicity calls and tells him that the next shipment already arrived. Blood plans to crucify their tardy host, making a grand speech about standing up and breathing new hope int the city. Completely unaware that he is doing just that.

Oliver arrives in time to shoot up some of Shen's peeps, but she's not even batting an eyelash over it. The cops close in on the Vigilante's position, unaware they're taken Felicity's bait, and she's led them astray. The Vigilante isn't working alone, and Digg gets one of the trucks away. Oliver searches for Bronze, and China goes after Digg. A good taser arrow takes down Bronze. But Digg may have a little more trouble with China. The Vigilante comes in time to arrow cuff China, and she sees he's changed, in the past she'd already be dead. She tells him that he'll never be a hero, but he's not in it for the glory.  

Oliver watches the story on China's arrest, the police get most of the credit, but Vigilante does get a nod. Oliver apologizes for wrecking Digg's lovelife, for being so self involved with his own catharsis that he couldn't see the dominos falling. And before they get into hug territory, Digg retreats. And Oliver hears Blood's harsh words, wrecking his public image further.

Slade leads them to the place that the men were headed to, and Oliver finds out why. There's a hidden little cave, with soldiers from over 60 years prior. Which leads to a bigger mystery, and that little trinket Oliver gave to Thea.

The Vigilante sneaks up on Roy in the alley. Roy is ready to be Robin, but the Vigilante isn't ready to play Batman. He wants Roy to be his eyes and ears, and nothing more for now. Roy is game. He goes inside and makes up with Thea. He tells her that he's done with the hero roleplay, but he still has a red arrow in his pocket.

The Vigilante goes back to Laurel. He tells her that he lost someone too, and that he would give his life to bring that person back. Laurel warned him to stay away, but knew he wouldn't and she has him trapped. In come swat and the Vigilante is surrounded, for now.


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