Supernatural Recap S9E02: Devil May Care

Dean explains to Sam, Castiel's precarious position, he's human, and on a one man road trip and how Dean's been Zero Dark Thirtying "the junk in his trunk:" Crowley.

And just when the boys think that Abbadon is good and gone, someone has resurrected her.

Kevin tries to shoot Dean and has a mini breakdown. Dean has to tell him that the Angels fell. And Sam brings in their fallen King. Dean give him a nice bitch slap hello, and Sammy dives right into questioning. Crowley isn't much of a giver, but he's willing to give Mistress Sam a go. The boys have other plans, and shut him into a sensory deprivation chamber.

Kevin freaks a bit, even as Dean offers Ice cream and Strippers as an incentive. They put him back on Angel Radio duty.

Abbadon rallies her little demon army in not so impressive meat suits. She's all on her down with Crowley rant, crowning herself in the process with pretty promises of angels on bended knee, or blood and fire. Grandma demon wants proof of Crowley's demise, and Abbadon doesn't take her tone lightly, and sends her off to hell.

Dean call into one of Bobby's old friends, Pete to send word through the Hunter network, angels fell, and its all bad, a basic rally the troops call.

Abaddon's remaining minions position themselves on a bus and take possession of some military soldiers, vessels more fitting for the destruction Abaddon has in mind.

Sleazy guy picks up cute stranded girl, and gets way more than he bargained for. The girl was a hunter, and before she can get away the soldiers grab her.

Sam and Dean try to get into the crime scene, and they're stopped by a military officer. After some quick thinking, Dean calls Kevin, Velasquez doesn't buy their ruse at first, until Kevin hacks his way into some of her secrets. Without further issue she lets the boys into the crime scene, and they find old used up meat suits, and worse the surveillance video that Abbadon is driving this little joy ride.

Abbadon's boys track down fellow hunter Pete and try to get Sam and Dean's location. He doesn't spill, but Abbadon has a few hostages, the cute girl who killed the demon earlier and Irv. She calls Dean's number and gets Kevin instead. She gives him quite the threat and he relays the message to Dean. Dean gives him a mission to figure out how to kill a knight of hell. While the boys head straight for a suicide mission.

Crowley finds himself haunted by voices of the past, his own louder than any of the others. Kevin pulls him out of his reverie when he flips on a light to do research, and with very little prodding Kevin comes face to face with Crowley.

Sam and Dean meanwhile come to Abbadon's appointed meeting point. They find their bait easily, and they check out clean.

Kevin asks how to kill a knight of hell. Crowley offers to kill Abbadon if he lets him go, but that's not what Kevin is really here for. Kevin is done with Crowley's game, but really he's playing right into the King of Hell's hand as he unleashes his anger.

Dean brings out all the toys to take down the she-demon, and the military demons are easily duped by a simple iphone recording. The group plans to divide and conquer, so long as the girl doesn't have to pair up with Sam. She blames him for her parents murder by demons. They were killed when Lucifer was released from his cage.

Crowley offers Kevin the ultimate boon for his freedom, his mother. Does Crowley really have her, perhaps, but he's not exactly trustworthy, but he does know how to turn that slow knife in ones heart. Crowley offers him a chance to win, but Kevin not drinking his tiger blood yet.

Dean tells the girl, Tracy, not to kill anyone without black eyes, to know your real enemies, everyone makes mistakes with the best intentions that have far reaching consequences. Sam's partner, Irv plans to be the sacrificial lamb, since he squealed on his fellow hunters, allowing them to get caught, getting Pete killed. Sam refuses his offer, but the demons take him out anyways. Abbadon catches up with Dean and Tracy. Tracy gets a few good shots off, but Abbadon has welcomed the brave new world, and wears kevlar. Dean manages to holy water her, and sends Tracy for back up weapons. Abbadon manhandles Dean, sending him some mixed signals. The military boys rough up Sam. Abbadon wants Crowley, and she's not above using him as a meatsuit to get it. Sam angel kicks into high gear and Ezekiel takes care of business, which does not please Abbadon one bit. She makes a run for it, and Ezekiel looks over the wreckage. Sam had been knocked unconscious, and Dean and Ezekiel come up with a cover story. Dean feels remorse over his past actions to keep the gates of hell close. Ezekiel gives him some inside into, that Sam understands why he did it. A lot of trust is being placed on Ezekiel's shoulders and Dean can only hope he's worthy of it.

Sam comes to, and Dean glosses over the facts with some quick talking. Tracy arrives with the Impala, and the trio are off. She doesn't even bat an eye that Irv isn't there. Must be a hunter thing.

Dean and Sam return to their little bunker, to find no Kevin in sight, and a worked over Crowley. Crowley gives up two demon names, he's willing to deal. The two names are for Kevin's little outburst, Crowley quite enjoyed getting him worked up. Kevin plans on making a dash for it, and Dean stops him. Crowley's the king of head games, and Dean explains to him how high the stakes really are, and what is really lurking for him outside. Dean tells him how much they need him, not just because of his gift but because they're family. Dean leaves the choice to leave in his hands. There's doubt in Sam that Tracy placed there. Dean tells him that he's helped more than he's hurt, and they have to look towards the future. Fallen angels, a graceless Castiel, Crowley in the basement, Abbadon, the deck is stacked against then, but Sam is content with life, which only worries Dean more. Poor Dean, the longer he waits to tell Sam of his little hitchhiker, the worse the fallout will be.


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