Once Upon A Time Recap S3E03: Quite A Common Fairy

Tonight marks Tinkerbell's appearance! And I cannot wait for her to finally make her way onto the Once canvas.

In Neverland, Charming worries over Snow, when he's clearly the one in need of a break. They check the map, and see the X has moved, Pan is up to his sneaky games again.

Pan throws an apple to Henry, but he tells Pan his family has a thing against apples. The apple isn't for eating though, but for target practice.

Neil searches through his father's house for things to make a portal. Mulan points out that she saw Emma in the crystal ball not, Henry. But Neil knows that Pan was looking for a specific boy. When Hood's son comes in, Neil gets an idea.

Regina of course wants to turn to magic to find Pan's camp. Hook suggests finding a pixy he knows since pixy dust is stronger than fairy dust, its like nuclear dust. At Tink's name, Regina flinches, adamantly opposed to Tinkerbell's help.

Flashback time! Gold comes poking around to see why Regina hasn't come to her latest lesson. She doesn't want to walk this dark path, but he's not taking no for an answer. When Regina's anger causes her railing to fall away, its Tinkerbell who saves her life. The two become fast friends, Regina sharing with Tink her woes over Snow. Tink offers to help Regina find what she needs, love.

In the forest Regina drops a hankerchif and someone picks it up. Regina suggests to Emma that their combined magic could overpower Pan. But Emma isn't willing to take any chances.

Pan tips his arrow with dreamshade, and gives the bow to Henry. He must shoot the apple off Felix's head. He takes aim at Felix, but turns the bow on Pan. Pan catches the arrow, expecting Henry's action.

Charming reveals his injury to Hook. Hook tells him he has days, weeks at the most, and he should tell Snow. Charming refuses, he's banking on the power of dust too.

In the past, Tink is summoned away. The Blue fairy summoned her, and Tink has been a bad bad girl, breaking all the rules. Against all Blue's warning, Tinkerbell thinks Regina is the exact type of person she should help. Blue grounds Tink, but Tinkerbell doesn't take no for an answer, and flies off once Blue has left.

Hood hates Neil's plan. He tries to assure Hood that all his son has to do is summon the shadow, Neil will be the one going to Neverland, not him. Hood feels like its too much to ask for, but Neil tugs at his heart strings, reminding him that it was his father that saved Hood's wife and allowed his son to be born. Hood agrees to help once.

Emma tries to push Regina forward, and as she remains reluctant, Emma finally puts the pieces together asking what Regina did to her. Regina admits that she and Tink have a complicated history. She decides to remain behind so that Operation Henry can go ahead, and that if Tink can't be found, to forge ahead anyways.

In the past. Tinkerbell comes with some pilfered dust. Tinkerbell has found Regina's happy ending, pointing out someone in a tavern, a man with a Lion Tattoo. Regina is nervous over the prospect and can't quite bring herself to go in. Anyone else think she just passed up hooking up with Robin Hood?

Regina waits for Tinkerbell in the woods. And Tinkerbell comes, looking a lot less shiny than in the past. Provoked, Tink knocks Regina out, with some red dust, probably not pixie dust.

Hook finds Tinkerbell's treehouse home, and its empty. It's bear and lonesome, its just a place to sleep. They find Regina's handkerchief amongst Tink's things, and realize that they're in the wrong place.

Tinkerbell has no plans of helping Regina. Tinkerbell threw away her magic when she helped Regina in the past. All of Tink's magic is gone, and Regina quickly releases herself from her bonds, but Tink still has some tricks up her sleeves, she threatens her with Nightshade.

Past, Regina tells Tinkerbell that she was wrong about her love. That he was the wrong person. She tells Tinkerbell that she is an awful fairy. Tinkerbell sees through her lies, but Regina only pushes her away harder, breaking Tink's heart.

Calling Tink's Nightshade bluff, Regina pulls out her own heart, offering it up to Tinkerbell, daring her to crush it.

Heartbroken Tinkerbell runs from Regina, and is caught by the Blue fairy. She cannot forgive Tinkerbell's actions. The Blue fairy loses her belief in Tinkbell and she in turn loses her wings, everything.

Tinkerbell takes Regina's heart and squeezes it, searching for answers. Regina couldn't let go of her anger, couldn't let herself be happy. She refused to be weak. Regina points out that she picked revenge over hope, which is just what Tink is choosing to do as well. Regina prods her further, pushes her to chose love and help her get her son back. Timkerbell wants to believe, you can see it in her eyes, but she still refuses to help. She fears that Henry is beyond their help, he's been with Pan too long.

Pan tells Henry that they've been waiting for Henry since before he was born. He is the one who can save magic. Pan gives him a scroll that he's been holding for a long time that proves he's the savior, but Henry does not believe yet.

Mulan sketches out a plan of attack for catching the shadow. Hood hopes that Neil will get his heart's desire, but Neil isn't sure that's possible. He waited too long to confess his love, and though he hopes he gets another chance he's not banking on it. They get into position, and Hood's son says he believes. At first nothing happens, Neil asks for him to say it again, but Hood refuses. No need, the shadow bursts in the window, trying to grab the boy. Mulan springs into action, cutting away the shadow's hold. It hurries away, and Neil takes a leap of faith, grabbing on for a ride to Neverland.

Mulan checks on Hood's son. Hood offers her a place among his Merry men, but Mulan has to talk to someone first. Mulan returns back to Aurora's castle. Aurora is gladdened by Mulan's return, and Aurora shares her joyful news, she's pregnant, which breaks Mulan's heart. Mulan tells her that she is leaving forever, and walks away before the tears can fall. On a side note, What! I'm so confused. I thought Mulan has a thing for Phillip, and that's why she helped him find Aurora, but I missed the part where she changed teams, and decided she was in love with Aurora. Good on her to walk away and find a love that is unattached though.

The rest of the group catches up to Tinkerbell and Regina. Hook and Tinkerbell have history too, and it sounds a little more pleasant than her and Regina's, by the way he nettles her. But Regina points out that she has no magic, not even wings. Tinkerbell doesn't want to cross Pan, but they offer her something she desires most: a home. And she can't exactly refuse.

Henry looks at the scroll, its a picture of him.

Neil falls to the ground in Neverland, right into Felix's lap.

Tinkerbell asks Regina if she ever went back, to meet the man with the lion tattoo. which she did not. Tinkerbell calls her action selfish, because she didn't just ruin her life, she also ruined his.

Mulan shakes Hood's hand, as she enters the Merry men camp, and surprise, surprise, he has a lion tattoo. Regina's mystery man is Robin Hood!

So what does everyone think of Tinkerbell? I love her addition to the cast so far, but now that the Regina/Tinkerbell backstory is complete, anyone else dying to see some Hookerbell story?


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