Grimm Volume 1: Coins of Zakynthos

Series: Grimm
Writers: David Greenwalt, Jim Kouf, Marc Gaffen, Kyle Mcvey
Illustrator: Jose Malaga
Paperback: 112 pages
Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: November 19, 2013
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1606904507

Poor Homicide Detective and Grimm Nick Burkhardt, cant catch a break, or even a sandwich without onions. He's off to investigate a broken up wedding where both the bride and groom were kidnapped by some species purists, the PWO or Pure World Order which to me sounds like some New World Order wrestling rejects, which may be the easiest part of his day.

The mother he thought was dead, Kelly, has resurfaced, not because of a deep seated love of her child, but because she's hunted by some Verrat soldiers trying to steal the Coins of Zakynthos that she's intent on destroying. After Kelly falls into the wrong hands, its up to Nick, Hank and Monroe to journey to Europe and save the day. But along the way there will be plenty of dark secrets revealed, and promises of death for one.

New readers may have a hard time if they aren't show watchers and aren't familiar with the mythology. There is a lot to take in, though there is some pausing to explain some of the backstory it can be a lot for newcomers to take in,  but for those that do watch the show this is a must have! It's a never-before-told story, set in the world of the acclaimed NBC series, Grimm, written by the show creators themselves. Fast paced, and well written, this is a perfect companion piece.


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