Arrow Recap S2E1: City of Heroes

We start the new season with Oliver running though the forest. Dig and Felicity make their way to the island. Felicity immediately steps on a land mine, while Dig thinks to Disarm it. Oliver stops him , and makes quite the tarzan-esque rescue. Oliver is back in his old Island haunt, and not exactly unhappy to have company. He's not ready to go back to Starlight City, failing at all he set to accomplish. They don't want the Hood to come back, they need Oliver.

Flash back to 5 years prior. And Oliver spares with Slade, he cracks him good when Oliver is distracted. The island is under attack.

Starlight City is in shambles, and there's a new player in town, a sullen girl named Isabel. Whedon Star alert! It's Summer Glau!

Thea and Roy make out until she sees his wounds. She's less than happy that he's putting himself in danger. But before they can really get into it, Oliver returns, and distracts her. She's still angry over her mother's homicidal streak, but happy her brother is home. She looks good with herself all together.

Laurel has joined the district attorney's office, and she looks a little too friendly with her new boss, as the mayor makes some hefty claims, his speech is interrupted, and the place is quickly made to resemble swiss chess. When one of the gunmen threaten the district attorny, Laurel makes short work of him, but another gunman disarms her, and walks away. I think Laurel could use a change of pants after that.

Daddy comes to take a statement from the DA and see what his daughter saw, but apparently he wasn't the one in charge of the investigation. Laurel and Oliver catch up, he apologizes for leaving, but Laurel doesn't blame him. They both needed to sort things out, and Laurel sees their tryst as a betrayal. So many regrets between the two of them, but there is no future in the past, and they forge ahead.

Oliver sees the act of violence today as a copycat without his finesse. He's not ready to don the hood yet, he has personal work to do.

The Hoods watches the news desiring to see their acts heralded, but all they are reporting on is Oliver's return. They decide that Queen must fall.

Roy tries to reach out to a distracted Thea. He tells her about his trainwreck family and how even as bad as they were, he would do anything to see them again. But Thea sees it differently. She's punishing her mother for her actions, and Roy suggests she think about how much shes hurting herself.

 Oliver meets with Isabel, and shes just all so sunny. She plans on winning at all costs. And just as she tells him of the hole he's really in The Hoods arrive and  shoot up the place. Oliver manages to get Isabelle out of the room and too safety. Felicity nearly isn't as lucky, as Oliver has to take a lucky leap to save her. Oliver apologizes for the shootup, and not even the danger has soften Isabel in the least. Felicity blames Oliver for not taking on the gunmen, but Oliver isn't ready for the body count after Tommy. Tommy died thinking he was a murderer and even though he isn't, every death he causes dishonors Tommy's memory. He needs help to save his company and he's determined to get it.

Back to flashback. Shado separates from the group, and is snatched up, with only a hood left behind.

Oliver goes to visit his mother. There's nothing but bad news on his mother's front, but she's glad that he's finally taking control of the company. She tells him not to trust Isabel, and that the weight of the world doesn't have to be on his own shoulders. It's a family business, and Thea isn't his only family.

Roy asks Thea if she's seen her mother, and of course she has not. The Hoods come in and shoot up the club looking for Oliver, and Roy can't just sit around and watch that happen, not when Thea is in danger and he springs into action. Everything is all well and good, until Thea becomes a hostage. It's a Mexican standoff, and Roy is helpless as they drag Thea off.  Oliver arrives too late to do anything, the police are already there, and Thea long gone. He heads down to his "batcave," where Felicity has made some improvements. Felicity gets to searching with the tiny bit of intel they have on Thea's kidnappers, and she's bearing gifts as well with a shiny new bow. All thoughts on zero body count are gone. Thea will be saved at all costs.

Back to flashbacks. Slade and Oliver have located Shado who is being tortured. The boys rush in to save her, but who's going to save Oliver from himself, as he bashes in one of the aggressors head with a rock. How very caveman.

Thea is being held in a church as The Hoods plot what to do next. Some of them want to murder Thea, while some of the others want to let her go. She finally sees her mothers motivation. Her mother did what she did out of fear. And before the lead hood can shoot Thea, The Vigilante comes to her rescue. The lead Hood tries to get away with Thea, telling Oliver that there was no justice for people like them, until he showed them how to get it. Oliver shoots him, but saves him before he can fall to his death. The Vigilante is trying out something new, his opposition gets to live.

Oliver goes to visit Tommy, and it seems that Laurel had the same idea. They agree that they can't be together but not really apart. They're further apart than Laurel could know though. They know that Malcolm killed Tommy, but Laurel blames the Vigilante for it all, not knowing that he's standing next to her.

Thea finally goes to see her mother. After her near death experience she's had a chance of heart, and they hug it out.

Isabel continues to be her most charming self, threatening him with poverty. He's not ready to give up without a fight. He's got a white knight in his pocket in the form of Mr. Steel, who's managed to even the planning ground. Oliver and Isabel will be 50/50 partners. And she might just be a smidge impressed.

Slade tells flashback Oliver that they weren't working alone, so who's behind them is still the question.

Thea makes call to Roy, and tells him of the mommy bonding time, and makes a delightful offer. He goes to stop a crime in progress before heading to Thea's, but a masked girl kicks some serious butt.

Oliver choses a new course of action for the Vigilante. He's moving into hero territory, and needs a new name.


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