Masters of Sex S1E5 - "Catherine" Recap

Bill meets a religious couple that are having difficulty conceiving and is astounded to learn that they have been literally interpreting the Bible, attempting to conceive by merely sleeping in the same bed. Libby's pregnancy is progressing nicely. Bill and Virginia have compiled a great deal of information about the cycle of arousal and climax but now want to study couples and examine the role of attraction in sex.

Bill and Virginia approach Austin to ask him to participate in the study again. He is thrilled and approaches Jane, who informs him she hasn't been asked yet. At his first session, he is disappointed when another woman is to be his partner instead. He is unable to achieve an erection despite all the woman's efforts.

Ethan takes Vivian out for an egg creme at the prodding of her father. She can tell he is worried that she will say something to her father that will get him fired. She tells him not to make assumptions about her and that she is perfectly capable of having a casual relationship with him. They have sex, after which they find blood on the sheets. Ethan is mortified at realising this was her first time.

Bill is sleep-walking again and this time, he had begun packing a suitcase. Austin speaks with Bill and Virginia to express his anger at their changing partners on him. He felt like they treated him as a puppet. Virginia explains that they were trying to collect data without attraction factoring in. He tells them he wants to continue in the study and that his results with Jane need to serve as his baseline, after which they should give him a warning if he will be partnered up with someone else. They re-pair him with Jane but he is still unable to get an erection.

The Scullys are having a party for their 30th anniversary. Vivian pulls Ethan outside to tell him they were meant to be together. Libby begins to bleed and is taken to the hospital where she miscarries. Virginia breaks down when Henry briefly runs away due to his hating her and resenting her being gone all the time working. Ethan comforts her after having a talk with Henry. He offers to come around from occasionally and spend time with Henry and assures Virginia that it won't complicate their relationship, as he is now dating Vivian Scully.

Bill delivers his stillborn daughter. He later fights with his mother who has never seen the seriousness of his sleepwalking. He tells her that their family has a sickness that spills over and infects everyone. He later has a moment in his office with Virginia in which he breaks down, asks her to close her eyes, and begins crying.

Masters of Sex airs on Sundays on Showtime at 10PM.


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