Once Upon A Time Recap S3E04: Nasty Habits

Belfire (Neil) and Felix take a little walk. He tells him that he hopped he never saw him again. Neil tells him that he will gets his son back, and as he works his bonds free, Felix spills all the secrets about Pan's desire for the heart of the truest believer. Free Neil knocks him out. No longer a boy or lost he goes to search for Henry.

In the past, Belfire receives a dagger from one of Gold's victims. He doesn't want the pilfered goods, or even to stay in the house. Belfire wants to see the world, but Gold has too many enemies. But Belfire sees the truth, that he's worried that he'll leave and never return nome.

Now, Gold paints his face, and Belle tells him that he's always been more comfortable behind the mask. Belle worries that Gold won't be able to sacrifice himself for the boy. But Gold tells her that he has nothing left to live for. Belle tells him that she thinks he'll come back. he tells her that she'll leave him as well, and that saving Henry is the only way to get redemption.

Emma maps out the plan to save Henry. Tink has told them all she knows, and she's on board so long as there's an exit plan. There is no exit plan. Tink tells them that without an exit plan there is no point going in. Pan doesn't let anyone off without his permission. Tink is off until they have an exit, and Hook thinks of the only person who made it off Neverland, without Pan's OK, Neil.

Some Lost Boys try to stop Gold, but he knocks them out. He takes up one of their weapons right as Neil come running in. Gold mistakens him for one of his hallucinations at first, Neil explains that he's really alive. Gold holds him at spearpoint, and his utterance of "Papa" proves he's real, and Gold drops the spear.

Past, Gold comes home with a shiny new crown, to find Belfast gone. Gold goes to the most likely place that his some is, where his magic shows him to be but the boy is not there. Many boys from the village is there too. A figure took the boys playing a pipe. Gold plans to find this pied piper.

Current, Neil goes over where he's been, and how he got to Neverland. Gold tells how he left behind Emma and the others. Neil doesn't wish for bloodshed, but Gold is willing to do whatever it takes. Gold tells him that to beat Pan you must be willing to do anything, including to die, but Neil has another plan. Neil leads, and Gold follows his son. He tells him that with some shells you can hear the ocean, but with others the ocean can hear you. He blows on a shell, and a giant squid rises, using Gold's pilfered spear they hook a squid, and Neil wishes to use the ink to immobilize Pan.

Hook leads them to Neil's former digs. Hook and Charming open the door, with Charming looking a little worse for the wear. Hook urges him to give up the charade, to tell his family, but Charming refuses to tell them that there is no hope, that the only thing they need to worry about saving is Henry. Hook looks torn. Emma asks Hook about the place, and before he can answer Emma knows, it's Neil's home. Hook hopes that there's some clue to how he got away from Neverland.

Past, Gold sits on the rooftop watching, listening. He hears the sound of pipe's playing, and then he sees boys climbing from their windows following it. He follow's the boys, and find some dancing around the fire. One by one he grabs the boys, but none are his. He spots the piper, and it's Pan. And worse, they know each other. Pan knew him before he gained all of his power. And now, Pan has come for Gold's son. Only certain boys can here the pipe's tune, boys who feel lost and unloved, and it's no surprise that Gold can hear the sound. Pan asks what he'll do to get back his Lost Boy. Pan reveals Gold's deepest fear, that Belfire will leave him like everyone else has. Pan tries to make a deal with Gold.

Henry isn't participating in the celebration, and Pan tries to get him to join in. He blows on his pipes, but Henry can't hear the sound. Felix comes with bad news, his sentries were knocked out with a sleeping spell. Looks like father and son are united and they're coming for Hook.

Emma and the group look over Neil's old drawings for clues. So far nothing is of much help. Emma notes how well Hook knew Neil, and he knew them well. Snow finds what looks like a colander, but Emma recognizes that it is something more. It's a map home.

Gold has dropped in on Pan's group, and Belfire/Neil isn't far behind. Neil takes a shot at Pan, but Pan catches the arrow. Pan asks if he remembers nothing, but he remembers enough, he didn't coat the tip. Pan is infected with a paralysis spell, and he tells Neil that he's saving Henry from the wrong person, that Gold is planning on killing Henry. Away from Pan, Neil asks what Pan meant, what prophecy he was talking about. Neil refuses to let up. Gold tells him what the Seer said, about a boy who would reunite him with Neil. He admits that he had intended to kill the boy until he knew who he really was, and now he is willing to lie his life down for him.

Past, Pan tells Gold that he cannot even recognize his own child because he was happy and having fun. Gold picks Belfire out, even masked. He uses a spell and gets his son away. Belfire is angry at first, but as Gold explains how he knows Pan, his anger subsides for a moment. He knew of Pan's deal, but Gold worked around it, and Gold's lack of trust in him broke his heart.

Gold asks Neil what he can do to make him see that he's changed. He asks Gold for his dagger, but Gold doesn't have it, the shadow took it. Neil isn't sure he believes it. But Gold insists, that Neil lies at the heart of his happy ending. Neil doesn't believe him, and puts a spell on Gold as well, leaving him behind as he goes to find Emma and get his family home. Stupid Neil, breaking Gold's heart will not end well.

Emma and everyone look up at Neil's "stars." They ask Hook how he knows that it's a map. Hook taught Neil to navigate by the stars, and even more, to be a be a good pirate, by hiding his secrets. Emma runs off, so angry with the "dead" Neil, for loving her and leaving her, for not being there, and Snow and Charming don't know how to comfort her.

Neil runs into a dead end. And Pan catches up to him. He's played right into his hands, and Pan takes Henry back. It's all a big game Pan tells him. No one leaves Neverland unless Pan allows it.

Gold gets free, and Belle makes a visit. Gold isn't sure even he believes that he would have sacrificed himself for Henry, but Belle knows different. Having nothing to live for, he was willing to die for Henry, but with Neil alive Gold's self-preservation kicks in, and he would rather be alone while he sorts out his head.

Henry awakens, and asks what happened. Pan tells him that he just fell asleep. Henry remembers that Neil's voice, but shrugs it off as just a dream. Pan reinforces this thought, without confirming it. He tells Henry that eventually he'll dream of new things, and together they can make those dreams come true. This time when Pan plays, Henry can hear it, and soon he's dancing under Pan's spell. Pan just got a new Lost Boy.


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