Batgirl Volume 3: Death of the Family (The New 52)

Series: Batgirl
Writer: Gail Simone
Illustrator: Ed Benes
Hardcover: 224 pages
Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: October 29, 2013
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1401242723

In the Death of the Family story arc, the Joker terrorizes those closest to Batman, in the name of strengthening him. We reviewed the Catwoman arc here, and this time it's Batgirl's turn.

In the midst of trying to solve a string of fires the Joker comes back and rears his ugly head. He finds Barbara Gordon's weakness, her mother, and uses her as a bargaining chip to propose what may be his biggest joke,  marriage. With her back against the wall, she's finally ready to break Batman's rule and end the Joker once and for all, but while she's prepared for the knock down drag out battle against the Joker she isn't prepared for a betrayal closer to home as her own brother betrays her to save their mother.

At the hands of the Joker, the horrors keep coming as she and the entire bat family are presented with gifts. Only Batman can save them, and no matter how valiant his outcome, his actions up to that point may never be erased. Blood may be thicker than water, but both can drown you. The deep rifts in the bat family may remain forever, and not a single one of them comes out unscathed.

The bat family isn't the only thing that gets destroyed. Her normal life may mirror her heroic one in the end, leaving her an orphan in every sense of the word.

Writer Gail Simone returns to write another powerful chapter in the Batgirl saga. Batgirl has always had a dark history with the Joker, and Simone has written a lot of it. Simone wrote Batgirl's first confrontation with the Joker, following her paralysis at his hands in 1988's Batman: The Killing Joke. This current installment captures the heart of Batgirl's struggles, and her never ending hope. Perfect addition to the Death of the Family storyline.


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