The Heat Review

Opposites truly attract and form a hilarious bond in The Heat.

In a predominately male field, the FBI, Ashburn (Sandra Bullock) gets little respect, even though she's clearly better at her job than her counterparts. It may be in part because of her cocky showmanship, and her uptight buttoned up exterior. When the chance of a promotion comes up, she's the first to jump at the chance, but her boss Hale (Demian Bichir) isn't sure she's the right person for the job, cause well, she's just not liked, like at all. But he's willing to give her a chance, and sends her to Boston.

Enter in her complete opposite, Mullins (Melissa McCarthy). She's dirty and rough around the edges. And her definition of the law may be just a tad bit skewed. Her methods are madness, but effective. Her co-workers, even her boss is scared of her and with good reason. She's angry and handsy. Through an underhanded move Mullins manages to get in on Ashburn's case to take down a drug kingpin, which leads much closer to home than Mullins could ever imagine. And unless they can find a way to work through their differences, not just their jobs will be on the line.

These parts were tailor made for Bullock and McCarthy. Ashburn is awkward and gawky, but so lovable in her cluelessness. And Mullins is so loud and bawdy, McCarthy excels with raunchy characters with hearts of golds, and Mullins is certainly that character. The girls manage to keep the laughs coming, whether McCarthy is helping to sex up Bullock and Bullock has to explain the use of spanks, or their getting wasted in a bar. There's also a great cameo by Marlon Wayans, who shows he's not just funny, but has sex appeal too.

My only complaint is that I needed more of "The Heat." When the girls are a cohesive unit they're at their best, and as the action ramps up so do the laughs.

The Heat makes its way to Blu Ray and DVD on October 15th. And if you haven't already entered our contest we're giving a copy away here. Come on over and enter!


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