6 reasons you need to watch Arrow Season 2!

Things are getting good now

Season 1 of Arrow was strong enough to develop a loyal following and receive positive reviews from critics. Thus far, Season 2 is shaping up to be even better. Keeping things short and sweet, here are 6 reasons (in no particular order) on why you need to tune in.

  1. 1. No more Romeo - Season 1 placed much emphasis on the love connection between Oliver and Laurel. Every week, it was one pining after the other, or both, with little to no action ever taken. This time around, there's none of that to slow down the pace of the story.
  2. 2. China White - Kelly Hu is back and serving up some ferociously fierce action sequences. Though she's been arrested and placed into police custody, odds are good that China White will be back to wreak some more havoc. There is never a dull moment when China White is involved!
  3. 3. Roy Harper, Covert Operative - From the moment Colton Haynes debuted on Arrow, it was evident that he would have much to offer. Haynes would not have left a solid gig, Teen Wolf, just to be a piece of eye candy. As of episode 2, Roy Harper has now agreed to provide intel to the Hood on the ongoings of the Glades. All that young-blooded potential will now be harnessed and viewers are likely to be treated to a whole lot of character growth (and flawless bone structure).
  4. 4. Impending doom - Flashback Oliver is currently basking in a love affair with Shado, but considering that Present-Day-Oliver does not make any mention of her, one may infer that this love story is going to end in a devastating, possibly violent manner. Fasten your seat-belts, folks, a crash is coming!
  5. 5. Kevin Alejandro - Alejandro is portraying Sebastian Blood, a charismatic new villain that very well may be this season's "Big Bad." Arrow has already demonstrated its ability to have a fascinating, complex villain with John Barrowman's Malcolm Merlyn. Following in those footsteps, Sebastian Blood is a man whose intentions are not cliched into the usual villainous endeavours of money and power. Blood is a man passionate about bringing about improvement to the impoverished lives of the citizens of the Glades. His dislike for Oliver Queen stems from his perception of Queen as being another privileged corporate scumbag unconcerned with the welfare of others. A champion of the people lives long enough to become a villain? You won't want to miss this!
  6. 6. Dearest Felicity - Felicity may be seen by some as the Xander of Arrow, given that she often has the most entertaining lines. But this season, she has long since adjusted to being a part of this spy team. She is taking no nonsense from Oliver, having already told him off for being oblivious to the romantic woes of Diggle. Empowered womyn will cheer at her disdain for being placed into the role of secretary, an occupation she is highly overqualified for (it's a cover - but still, point 1 for feminism). Felicity is a vivacious, intelligent, hilarious character that is growing in confidence and strength. But her occasional fumbling over words (often leading to unintentional innuendos) will never cease to bring about laughter.

Arrow airs on Wednesdays at 8/7 c on the CW.


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