Resurrection by Arwen Elys Dayton

Format: Paperback                                          442 pages
Publisher: 47North; Reprint edition
Released: January 24, 2012
ISBN-13: 978-1612182179

Total obliteration is on the horizon, and the Kinley race have no choice but try to recover what was lost on a far and distant planet, Earth. Long before the war that has left their planet devastated they possessed the technology to travel at lightspeeds, a group of scientist used it to come to Earth, and now that technology is their only hope to escape the total and utter destruction that will come at the hands of the Lucien. Pruit is sent to recover those secrets, to save everything she’s ever known and loved.

But she isn’t as alone in her quest as she would hope. The Lucien are hot on her trail, and seek to take the technology for themselves.

Resurrection is an intelligent and gripping story, which strives for greatness, and achieves it at nearly every turn. Dayton spin’s her tale, of the alien Kinley scientist who sought out to study Earth, but ended up impacting it in greater ways than they could have ever anticipated. She gives a very plausible explanation for the great pyramid’s of Egypt, the course of beliefs of the Gods, and even how such great technology was so easily lost for not only the humans but the Kinley.

Pruit, Eddie, Adaiz and the rest are fully developed characters, each very different from the other. Their actions and motives are greatly fleshed out and believable. The great details that Dayton pours not only the diverse cultures of the Kinley and Lucien, but also ancient Egypt make each come to life.

The only real negative thing I can say is at first the changing in perspectives and time are disorienting, and take away from the story. But if you stick with it, the story not only progressively picks up, it becomes hard to put down. The characters and story will captivate, and the lesson of tolerance is delivered in such a way that its not preachy or hard to swallow. As someone who doesn’t read Sci-fi books very often, I found myself pleasantly enthralled. It’s definitely one I’d recommend!
If you’re at all interested in checking this one out we have a contest running until tomorrow Jan 14th. You can click here for all the details!


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