Damaged #3

Created by: Michael Schwarz & Jonathan Schwarz
Executive Producer: Sam Worthington
Written by: David Lapham
Pencils by: Leonardo Manco
Colors by: Kinsun Loh, Jerry Choo & Sansan Saw
Lettering by: Todd Klein
Cover art by: Alex Maleev & Leonardo Manco
Released: October 19, 2011

Just in case you missed it I’m reviewing all the issues of Damaged, gearing up for Damaged #5 out February 1st. The review for #1 is here, #2 here, and now let’s get into #3.

First a little recap. The mafia in San Francisco is under attack, Henry has been traveling the world dispensing his brand of justice, fighting for causes until they became corrupt and he abandoned them, which finally led him home. Frank has begun grooming his perspective heir Jack revealing that the vigilante is none other than his own brother, while Henry has just found his in Isaac who awaits his own trial.

Holy hell, things just took an unexpected turn. Henry turns himself in and we finally get to know Isaac Lordsman. His childhood was less than picturesque with an abusive alcoholic father, and his harsh outlook on the present ring true. The system is inept, and they have their fall guy. He’s not a bad guy, just wants a more pure world instead of the corrupt one he has, sounds a lot like someone else we know.

Frank and Jack figure out Henry’s plan, but its way too late. Henry is way ahead of them, and no longer being green is completely working for him. Can’t wait to see how Isaac reacts to his new Daddy.

Halfway through the series, and while most are finally cresting the rise, and delivering some good action, Damaged has been doing that the entire time. This high octane series shows no signs of slowing with David Lapham cranking out some seriously good twists in his tale, and Leonardo Manco making them come to life in such glowing detail. Praises could not be higher for this series. My only questions is why isn’t everyone reading this?


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