Burn Notice Season 5 DVD Review

Burn Notice is one of the best written, and well acted show out there. It’s smart, the tensions run high, explosions are plentiful, and it’s easiest one of the best shows of the summer. Season five hits stores today, but after four seasons can the series really get any better, is there anything left to tell? Or is it just mindless flash and bang? If you think the answer could be the latter, you obviously haven’t been paying attention to what’s lead up to this point.

Michael Weston (Jeffrey Donovan) has finally been reinstated into the FBI, but things quickly take a turn for the worse for he and his friends, which is saying a lot for this group of Miami friends. This season is an absolute must see, as Michael comes face to face with the man who burned him, and the one closest to him who knew all along.

There are few extras on the DVD, a handful of deleted scenes, and commentary, but really not much. Army of One is an extended episode. One the plus side there is a gag reel, which is always phenomenal, and the Villians of Burn Notice featurette.

Gag Reel
The gag reel is chockfull of the difficulties in working in a real city with real people, and all the noises they make. Add that to an already funny cast especially stars, Jeffrey Donovan (Michael) and the delicious Bruce Campbell (Sam) and you get some truly great and funny stuff. The one bright  spot that was missing is Sharon Gless. She’s amazing, but you won’t find her on the gag reel. However you will see and hear Gabrielle Anwar (Fiona) using her real accent, and not that horrid thing she did in the first season. Coby Bell (Jesse) also makes an appearance.

The Villains of Burn Notice
This may be the best featurette especially given that this show has a huge slew of bad guys. There are highlights of the villains from multiple seasons, not just this one, which is fantastic since there have been some great villains in this series played by some fantastic actors. There’s a bit of a focus on Tim Matheson who played the diabolical Larry, which isn’t a surprise since not only does creator Matt Nix and the rest of the cast love him, but he’s directed a few episodes. There’s also some great snarkiness from Bruce Campbell.

Burn Notice Season 5 is available today on DVD. Season 6 premieres on USANetwork Thursday, June 14th at 9/8pm Central.


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