True Blood Recap: Sunset

Bill’s hearing voices luring him towards the evil vial of blood. He tries to walk away, and a bloody Lilith comes and tells him that only one can lead them, and of course she chooses Bill. She commands him to drink all of the blood, and Bill finally does a smart thing and tries to walk away. He follows up with doing a stupid thing and looking back. Lilith is gone, but her bloody handprint remains.

Nora remembers the words of her Maker Godric, and of Lilith ripping out his throat. Salome comes, and notices that something has changed in her, she looks scared shitless. Nora pretends that all she’s worried about Russell, but Salome tells her that she has nothing to worry about. Nora goes to let the others know of the plans, but she’s most certainly changed, that crazy religious zeal is missing.

Jessica tries to use Bill’s phone, but Bill catches her and stops her. She wants to warn Jason that Russell and Steve Newlin are free and running wild, but Bill on his religious kick has found a better way, where Sookie and Jason are nothing more than food. Bill is sure Jessica will eventually see the light, and Jessica uses his Lilith bible against him, finding a loop hole in his new thinking. She poses the question of making Jason a vampire, since though good together they can never get things right and Bill sees through her plan. Bill sends for Gondry and Lambert to watch over Jessica as she makes Jason a vampire. Poor Jess really put her foot in her mouth with that plan.

Eric paces the room like a caged animal. Nora goes to her brother, and he’s more than a little happy to see her. The siblings get frisky, and it’s a little bittersweet as Eric promises to get them out of there.

Sookie freaks out over having been sold in the contract. She finally tells Jason about the weird air shape that said that she was his. Jason has to leave for work, they’re short handed with the increasing number of vampire attacks and Sookie stays at the fairy strip club.

The military comes to have a little chat with the guardian, and only gets to talk to the Authority’s chancellors. They maintain that Roman is just indisposed of, and the Colonel tells them that he is aware that they are behind the bombings that are derailing the mainstreaming movement. Bill finally opens up that Roman is no longer with them, and Salome tells Colonel it is now a Sanguinsta regime, and to tread lightly. The government is ready to eradicate the vampires, and when Salome threatens the Colonel, he’s fully prepared. He issues his own threats, and Eric snaps his neck.

Jessica meets up with Jason, and tries to get rid of her tail but they remain firmly in place. Jessica asks Jason to trust her,  she tries to signal him to follow her lead, but Jason isn’t the brightest, and Jessica is forced to take action, dropping fang and biting him.

Salome is less than pleased over Eric’s actions. The Authority as a whole is split over his actions. Eric and Nora go on a glamouring campaign to fix what he has done. Bill suspects their motives, and suggests that they bring guards.

Gondry and Lambert bury Jessica and Jason, when he springs into action and kills the two. Jessica spills the news that Bill and Eric have gone over to the darkside, and Sookie is in danger with no signs of help in sight.

Tara and Pam clean up the Elijah’s mess, getting rid of every trace of his blood. Pam freaks out a bit, and Tara learns of the Authority. Jessica comes for help. She asks for asylum, but Pam refuses. Jessica uses the Eric card, and Pam agrees to hide her.

Eric and Nora ride with their escort, until Eric nicely stakes the two, gooing up the SUV real nicely. Nora finally gives up all ties to the authority, leaving her necklace behind and the two fly away, proving how much cooler they are than Bill since he cannot fly.

Sam and Luna try to figure out where they are before the two turn back into mice and run off.

Sookie gets to meet the Elder. Maurella explains a little about the elder, she’s slightly off her rocker, since she’s in so many timelines at once. She’s found dancing around asking meaningless questions about Ke$ha and other people. Sookie asks about Warlow,  the Elder tells her that her destiny is entwined with vampires, and she needs to protect her light. Before the Elder can say anything of use, because Sookie has heard all of this before, Jason comes back with some bad news. When the Elder hears that Russell is still alive she loses her shit.

Holly has breakfast to go for Andy, and she has something more. Her boys finally apologize to Andy for plastering his backside on facebook, and admit that their momma is happy, well one of them does. Rocky, isn’t so sweet with an apology, he sasses Andy, and Andy promises to do right by Holly.

Joe swings a mean pick in the dirt. Mr. Rollands comes to warn Alcide and his daddy that the baby vamps are forming up packs and hunting. But Jackson only forces the man off his land. Alcide confronts his father over the real reason he was kicked out of the pack.

The fairies panic about Russell, but Sookie is tired of running and ready to take up arms against Russell. Maurella thinks it to be suicide, but the Elder thinks that Sookie has the right idea, and agrees to fight. Jason is prepared to fight against Russell as well, even if it costs him his life, and he heads off to be bait.

Arlene and Terry are way too lovey dovey and sweet. Andy asks what’s their secret, and Arlene tells him that it’s honesty among other things, but mainly that. Maurella comes for Andy’s protection, he swore upon the light, but apparently Andy was thinking with the wrong head when he made that pact. Andy tries to back pedal, unsure of her pregnancy, it’s only been a week, and she looks on the verge of popping and tries to get out of his deal with her. Maurella tells him that what he’s attempting will bring dishonor upon her, and it amounts to him declaring war upon her clan.

Jessica tells Pam about Bill’s zealous and down right mean demeanor, and Pam explains that he’s displaying nest behavior, something that she and Eric has always avoided. Jessica asks if she’s worried about Eric, and she feigns that she isn’t worried about him, but she’s extra catty. Jessica tries to turn her bonding attention to Tara. She doesn’t have any friends, and even if Tara goes all crazy on her at times, she’s the closest thing she’ll have to one. Tara sees her admission for the olive branch that it is, and tells her she’ll try to bring her a fangbanger later.

Rossalyn heads into Fangtasia, she’s looking for her progeny, Elijah. She knows that he’s dead, a maker can feel when one of her children dies even if he’s one of 204 and asks who killed him. Pam tells her that it was her, and she calls in her soldiers to arrest Pam in the name of the Authority. Tara watches her maker leave in cuffs. Rossalyn sniffs out Jessica, and tells her that her daddy is looking for her.

Lilith comes to Bill again, again telling him that only one can lead them, and begging him to drink her blood. Bill opens his eyes and sees that she’s gone, but there’s blood on his lips, he’s having one hell of a v flashback.

Alcide watches some baby vamps burn themselves on the fences, but as they head to a neighbor’s house, Jackson tells him to let them be. Alcide can’t do that, and runs to the rescue.

Russell and Newlin corner Jason, while looking for Sookie. Russell glamours him, and Jason tells him about the fairies.

Alcide goes to save the neighbors from the baby vamps, and he manages to kill one before the other two attack him, and Jackson saves the day with his crossbow.

Sam and Luna find Emma, but they’re caught. Sam hears Bill’s name and offers to be his meal.

Bill finds Chancellor Kibwe staring at the tainted blood. He tells Bill that Lilith chose him, but Bill believes otherwise and beheads him.

Rossalyn brings in Jessica. Pam is brought in as well, and passes Sam in the hall. He asks her to help Luna, but only does she not know Luna, she doesn’t care about her. Jessica is brought before Bill, and wants to know why she chose Jason over two vampires. She points out that at one time he chose to save Sookie by killing Longshadow, which resulted in his having to make her, and that he’s suffering from nest syndrome and its making him crazy. He slaps her silly.

Lilith goes to Salome and tells her that like the Highlander there can only be one.

Russell and Newlin head to the fairy field, and like cats on catnip they go smell crazy taking it all in. The field smells delicious, and the fairies watch the vampires flip out. Russell threatens to kill Jason, and the Elder abandons her plan for the fairies to attack, and goes out to face the vampires alone. She knocks out Newlin, and inadvertently Jason as well, but falls into Russell’s clutches. He drinks her dry, and the hidden fairy strip club is revealed to him. High on fairy blood, they see the huge danger Russell is now. 


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