True Blood Recap: Gone, Gone, Gone

The Tru Blood Crisis continues, and the world watches while the vampire senate maintains their innocence. Sookie turns off her TV to block out the noise and enjoy her Chinese food, when a knock on her door interrupts. It’s Mike, the coroner, he tells her he’s here about the body hers, and he’s a vampire. He attacks her, and she’s forced to stake him with her chopsticks.

At the AVL, they bring Molly forth to accept the word of Lilith in front of the council. They plan to kill her no matter what she says, and they stake her with her own invention, the iStake. Rev. Newlin celebrates and Salome says a blessing. Russell wants to go celebrate and grab some dinner, Salome tries to stop them, but they leave anyways.

Mama Fortenberry drives Hoyt home, anything to keep him away from that “cheeto headed tramp.” He plans to live life to its fullest, and doesn’t plan on going home with her anytime soon. Maxine looks brokenhearted, she knows she lost her boy.

The new sheriff of Area 5, Elijah, counts up Fangtasia’s earnings, and wonders why they aren’t more profitable. With the Tru Blood shortage and lack of human customers, bar business is slow. He tells Pam about a peek show with fangs that another area deploys. But Pam has no interest in it. He tells Pam he’s been given the mandate to have more vampires made, and she needs to help out. If she doesn’t she’l l lose everything including Tara.

Andy comes to gather Mike’s remains. It was a good thing that Sookie decided to have Chinese food. Mike was a baby vamp, and a dirty pervert the two conclude, and suddenly Sookie doesn’t feel so bad about staking him.

Bill takes some of “Lilith’s”blood and places it in a box, before Eric is brought in for questioning. He makes Eric take the blood, and Nora wants to take the blood with him. Bill watches the two from a separate room via camera. The two trip out, but they don’t see Lilith, they see Godric. His blood is inside of them, and he cannot save them, they must save themselves.  Lilith comes from behind Godric and rips out his throat, covering herself in his blood. All the while Bill sees nothing on his monitor feed. Nora and Eric feel the loss of their maker.

Russell and Newlin dance close, after dinner. Russell wants to give him the world, clearly he’s molding him into his new Talbot. Russell offers him the sun, and Newlin wishes to be brought along for the ride. Russell’s crazy is starting to show, it was only a matter of time before it did.

Jessica comes into Merlotte’s, and things get a little hostile. Most of the patrons run out when she arrives, one draws a gun on her. Sam draws his in return, but another dumb red neck thinks he has the upper hand and points his at her. Lafayette points a shotgun at him, and he and Sam disarm their dumbasses. Sam and Jessica scare the one a little, and after they’re good and scared they run out, running into Jason in their haste. He talks to Jessica a little bit, checking on her to make sure she’s okay when Hoyt walks in.

Tara sizes up the patron’s trying to decide who they should  change, but Pam doesn’t plan on listening to Elijah. She doesn’t care about the bar, but she will not lose Tara or make more vampires. Progeny are made out of desire not force. She tells her that they will lay low and live as she and Eric did under the radar.

Hoyt tells Jason and Jessica he’s going to Alaska. Home is where his mama smothers him, his girl left him for his best friend and a bunch of Barack Obamas nearly got him killed. He wants them to be happy for him, but they aren’t. He tells Jessica that he wants her to erase her from his memory, so he won’t dream about her anymore. He wants her to remove Jason too, remove all the hurt so he can have a happy life. She begs him to reconsider, but he won’t. Jessica does as he asks and makes it so that she was never his first love, that she and Jason never broke his heart. He’ll never remember either of them, and he’ll be the better for it. He’s a good man she tells him, and he’ll find someone who will love him like he deserves. They say their teary goodbye. He closes his eyes, and all his hurt is gone.

Jason tells Sookie everything that happened with Hoyt, and she tries to look on the bright side, telling him that its like Hoyt forgave him. Jason changes the subject to their parents death, and Nan’s message beyond the grave. Jason thinks there has to be something more to it, and uses his police skills to search for more clues. He finds a hidden door beneath Sookie’s bed. Inside the space is a little box that holds a scroll with odd symbols on it.

Sam tries to get a meeting with Steve Newlin, and can’t even get his publicist to confirm that he has a puppy. Luna is at her wits ends trying to get someone to help her get her daughter back, but seeing as she’s a puppy people are sizing her up for straitjackets faster than rallying up the troops to help. Sam has figured out where Newlin will be next, and the two plan to head out.

The vellum that was found under Sookie’s bed looks genuine, but the professor looking at it cannot decipher it. There are no repeating characters, it’s nothing like anything that he’s ever seen and he tells Sookie and Jason that it is not any language known to humans.

Holly rewards Andy with some of Lafayette’s perfect cooking. Andy even tells Lafayette he loves him for the decadence.  The two savor their meal together, and Lafayette promises a flaming dessert.

Jessica remembers some of her and Hoyt’s first kisses, when Bill’s goons come to collect her. She doesn’t believe them at first, but Bill uses the “As your maker” card and calls her to him.

Rev. Newlin goes on air and debates with a governor, trying to dispel conspiracy theories, and secreat vampire authority myths. Russell watches the TV feed with sweet little Emma in his arms. Eric has been converted over to the darkside, and begs forgiveness. He even drops on his knees to forgive Russell for killing his family. Someone give Eric an Oscar for his little performance. Russell accepts, but there’s a little hostility, as he tells him that he’s getting the better end of the deal.

Sam and Luna search Newlin’s dressing room for signs of Emma, but her scent is nowhere in the room. Newlin returns with Caroline, Sam and Luna are no where to be seen, and the vampires leave, unrealizing the shifters where even there.

Jason pulls over Hoyt. Hoyt sees Jason’s last name, and ask if he’s related to Sookie. He remembers her a little, but Hoyt doesn’t remember anything of their friendship. Jason begs him not to go. Hoyt think that his mama but Jason up to this, but Jason’s heart just breaks a little, and he sends him on his way. Jason breaks down in the car, and Sookie comforts him.

Jessica arrives in the Authority compound. Bill is there to greet her. He gives her a tour of the AVL. Jessica listens to Bill as he Lilithfreaks on her. She sees the relation between her overzealous parents and now bible crazed maker. She’s willing to listen, but she’s hesitant.

Tara calls Elijah in a panic. She thinks she killed Ginger trying to change her over. Elijah tells her that she’s still alive,  Ginger stabs him with a silver sword. Tara beheads him. Pam comes in, and sees what they’ve done, and she doesn’t sound pleased. Tara tells her that they are not going to be messed with in their own house. Sounds like a declaration of war to me!

Newlin comes to check on his puppy, and he’s upset that she’s human. He wants her to change back, but she just wants her mama. She runs off and he tells her that her mama doesn’t want her as he chases after her with Luna and Sam in tow.

Eric and Nora debate the best way to spread their gospel, and Russell brings forth the question of fairy blood. If they can synthesize human blood, why can’t they do the same with fairy blood. Salome tells him that fairies are abominations, and that they are creatures of the night. She threatens him, and Russell finally lashes out. The dog is off his leash and off his rocker. He throws her across the room. He’s older and stronger than everyone in the room, and no one goes against him. He plans to get his seconds in the sun, and there’s one person on everyone’s mind that is now clearly in danger.

Sookie and Jason take their vellum to the fairies to have it deciphered. Claude and Claudette cannot read it, so they take it to an older fairy, Maurella to translate it. She’s very pregnant, clearly Andy is going to be a daddy soon. It’s a blood contract she tells them, but its written in code. Maurella uses a little light magic and is able to crack the code. It’s a contract giving the first faebearing Stackhouse girl to Warlow. Jason asks if there have been any since the contract was made, and he tells him the first is Sookie.


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