True Blood Recap: Save Yourself

Tonight, marks the season finale, and I can't say that this has been my favorite season, but I'm really hoping that tonight doesn't jack my whole watching world.

The fairies band together for one heck of a light show, and Russell enjoys the tickly sensation it gives him. He’s enjoying it a little too much, when out of no where Eric grabs him to stake him, and as he finally gets his vengeance thrusting the stake home all that light causes Russell to melt from the inside, and explode. Goodbye Russell, it’s been fun, and I’ll miss your brand of crazy, but both Eric and I enjoyed your death more than we thought we would. Steve Newlin runs off, and Nora arrives. She wants nothing more than to eat Sookie, as she goes to check on Jason, but Eric will not allow her to touch Sookie. Jason awakens and poor thing has had his little brain scrambled, and sees his dead momma instead of Sookie.

Bill is unhappy to see Sam. Sam explains that he came for Luna's daughter which Newlin has taken, and Bill doesn’t care, he’s ready to kill him. Sam changes into a fly and gets away. Bill gives chase, like a cat hopped up on catnip but Sam outmaneuvers him.

Nora wonders why she never encountered a fairy, and Eric points out that she’s been a bit too power hungry. Eric and Nora remove a bunch of hidden money, and Tara spills the news about Pam being taken by the authority as she grabs some light tight coffins. Nora doesn’t want to risk her life for a former prostitute, but Eric points out that she is his progeny, and they’re going after her. He reminds her to watch what she says about Pam, and to be nice to Tara since she's family.

Jason is seeing his dead parents, and they are some vampire hating folks. Eric, Nora and Tara go to Sookie’s to recruit her. Sookie thinks she knows whose behind the Tru Blood attacks, but Eric enlightens her that its been Bill. Tara points out multiple times that she owes Pam, and she does big time. Eric and Jason bicker like children, and Nora creeps her out, but Sookie agrees to go help Bill, and Jason decides to come along.

Bill goes over the meaning of breaching with the guards who have failed the Authority. He wants everything caught and killed, until Sam is found. Salome asks after the counselor that he killed, Bill admits his crime, and reveals what Lilith revealed to him. Salome stares down Bill as he tells her that Lilith chose her, and that he was to serve her.  Salome breathes a sigh of relief, not seeing the danger.

Luna tries to comfort her puppy dog daughter. Sam shifts back, and begs Luna to make a run for it if they come for her, but Luna refuses to leave her daughter.

Jessica tells Pam that both Bill and Eric have gone over to the darkside, but Pam doesn’t believe that Eric has bought into the dogma. Jessica is in disbelief that the boys were going to leave Sookie unprotected against Russell, and Pam sees the light in the religion.

Alcide bonds with his father as he barbeques a stag they brought down together. Alcide tells him “Words are great, deads are better.” Martha arrives with a crazed Rikki, she was force fed V by JD, and Martha feared she may have OD’d with how crazy she’s acting.

Sam flies through the air ducts, casing the area.

Jason is less than careful with his precious cargo. Sookie isn’t very happy with how he’s acting, as Jason gathers supplies to take out the Authority. His parents are only egging on his crazy hatred for the vampires.

Rikki is sweating out the V after Jackson gives her some medicine that makes the V leave her body through her pores. Alcide asks what else JD did, and Rikki wants Alcide to admit their night together meant something. He does, and I'm a little disappointed, since she's one of the poorer developments of this season. Rikki happy to hear his profession, tells him that JD called a pack meeting, and then forced everyone to drink blood, and he even raped some of the girls. Jackson tells his son if he wants to beat JD, then he needs to play by his rules, and pulls out his stash of V.

Sam, finding the intel he was looking for, comes back to Luna with a plan.

Lafayette whips up some Cajun Margaritas, which Holly and Arlene think are too die for. The mice are having way to much fun with Sam away. Andy arrives with Maurella, she's got one heck of a salt craving and Jane Bodehouse drunkingly proclaims that they slept together. Andy denies it, and Holly overhears, with her protective instincts going into hyper drive. Andy admits to her that he slept with Maurella, and that she's not only pregnant, but that she can't go to the hospital. Maurella goes all lighty down below. Her light broke.

Bills sexes Salome.

Sookie defends Bill. Jason wonders why they’ve chosen the people that they have to love, they keep getting hurt because they’re expecting something good. Sookie refuses to think that way, but Jason’s likely concussed , as Sookie finds the giant lump on head. Eric asks him to pull over, very nicely, and we get to see cute playful Eric again. I miss him from last season.

Maurella assumes the position to give birth. It’s a very rapturous moment, very orgasmic. Arlene, Lafayette, and Jane Bodehouse watch on. Holly is less than pleased to be midwifing for Andy's pregnant girlfriend, and Maurella has a girl. Holly delivers the pretty baby into Andy's arms, but she's not done.

Rev Newlin arrives, sending the shifters into a panic, but he’s just there for Emma. And when I say him, I’m pretty sure it’s Luna, especially as he begs Emma not to shift. He almost makes it out, when Chelsea the receptionist stops him to chitchat, and red flags raise when she notices his lack southern accent. He easily side steps her questions, and goes to the elevator. The elevator gives him pause, when Rossalyn arrives bitching about his antics. She summons the elevators, and off they go, complaining about the killing spree that he and Russell went on, and how they have to clean it up.

Four babies down, and Maurella leaves her job done. It’s left up to him  raise his babies, their light pact has been made flesh and she honors what was, what is, and what will never be. Holly is less than pleased.

JD drains some baby vamps. Alcide’s back and pumped up, ready for some action. Jackson and Martha are ready to intervene, but there’s no need. No one bothers to step in as Alcide kills JD. The wolves bow down before their new leader. He tells the wolves that they are going back to the old ways, and any wolf not down with his plan is free to leave or challenge him.

Eric and Nora arrive with their “captives.” They’re stopped at the gate, and the guard mentions how amazing Sookie smells, but Eric is quick to claim her. Bill okays their entry before noticing Sookie in the camera feed.

“Newlin” prepares for an onscreen interview, and Rossalyn gives him one heck of a pep talk. All “Newlin” has to do is follow his script, and Luna loses it, throwing up blood and turning back into herself. Luna reveals everything about the Authority that she knows on live Television, that they're holding people hostage and killing them .  No one expecting that turn of events. Rossalyn cuts the feed, preparing to kill Luna. Sam flies around and into Rossalyn, shifting back inside of her, splattering her all over the walls, but its too late, that last bout of skinwalking may have killed Luna as she falls over.

Bill contemplates what to do. Salome goes before the blood, preparing to drink it.

Jason, Tara, Eric and Nora and Sookie make their way down the elevators.  Taking out the security systems as Salome plans on drinking the last of Lilith’s blood. Jason takes out the secretary when the doors open, level 2 protocalls are initiated. Eric and Nora are off. Tara takes out everyone else. Eric and Nora take out a team of guards and go to disable the rest of the security system. Eric is having way to much fun dealing death. Sookie and Tara go to find Pam and Jessica. Jason kills everything that crosses his path. Sookie opens the silver door to free Jessica, and Tara burns herself to save her maker, and the two share a heck of a kiss.

Salome prepares to drink the rest of the blood, and Bill tries to talk her out of it.  She tells him that this is no longer a movement, but the Rapture, and she drinks it all down. Bill watches in relief, someone got played.

Jason keeps watch, and Sookie and the other girls join him. Jessica is so relieved to see Jason, that she professes her love, but Jason tells her that he can never love a vampire. Eric and Nora arrive, and Eric sends everyone but Sookie up to safety. Eric and Sookie plan to try to save Bill.

Salome writhes on the floor, poisoned. Bill silvered the blood she sucked down, saving Lilith’s actual blood for himself. He stakes Salome, and she admits that Lilith chose right before she explodes into a puddle of goo. Eric and Sookie arrive and try to save Bill. He makes digs at Sookie, calling her an abomination, but Sookie doesn’t back down, heaping praise upon him, and hurting Eric a little. Bill has always lived in fear and inferiority, but thinks that Lilith now sets him free, and he sounds a whole lot like Russell in his ranting. He drinks the entire vial of Lilith’s blood as Eric and Sookie watch on in horror and disbelief. The Blood causes an adverse reaction in Bill. He bleeds from his eyes and melts into a pool of blood, before he’s reborn, into a very feral Bill. Eric and Sookie make a run for it.

And this ends the season. I'm a little in disbelief, but all I can say I'm glad they didn't kill Eric, and I'll be back for next season. What did you all think?


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