Check out the Bonus True Blood Clip from the Season Finale

HBO posted an online clip after the show, revealing what happened to Jason, Tara, Jessica, Pam and Nora  after they entered the elevator and escaped the lower level of the Authority.

The scene, below, shows the group saying goodbye to Sookie and Eric, who stay behind to find Bill, and we all know how that crazy mess ended, i.e. enter Billith.
When the elevator doors close, Jessica tries to comfort Jason, telling him that Sookie is going to be ok, but Nora cautions them that they don't have time for sentiment. 

Tara tells Pam, "You better not go and get yourself killed, you hear? ‘Cause you and I’ve got a date. It’s been a long time coming."
Pam responds, "If that’s not an impetus to survive, I don’t know what is."

It's been great to see the spunk back in Tara this season, and although I saw this one coming a mile away,  but I'm still not sold on this relationship.

The group continues to lock and load, stakes passed around for all. 
Jason, the only human in the steel box, is being extra twitchy, staring down his allies like they're the enemies. He gives his friends a total creeper look, as he scans the area, clearly seeing or hearing something none of the rest of them are but then the doors open and its time to focus on killing the bad guys.

They file out, and take down the vampire that comes. Jason continues to scan, "I’m coming for you, Warlow," he says.
Nora responds: "Warlow? What do you know about Warlow?"
Jason gives her a wtf look.

And that kiddies really is the end of this season of True Blood.  So it looks like next season Pam and Tara will give it a go and maybe become more than just maker and progeny, all the ground Jason made through the seasons to be less of an idiot will be lost as he works out his vampire hating issues, and the hunt for Warlow will continue, probably with a little intel from Nora.

What did you think of the bonus clip? Sound off in the comment section below.


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