Prometheus says Suck This Fans
Well, it looks like at least one crew member won’t make it
home, or will he/she? Ridley Scott has
kept us guessing for months whether Prometheus is a prequel to Alien or
not. Though he says no, we have found
out there is a tie-in to the Alien franchise with the robot/cyborg creator,
Weyland Industries.
The new international trailer for Prometheus offers more
views of what we can expect. I suspect these
may not the aliens we’ve seen before, but it appears Ridley has included a new,
more terrifying face sucker plus an eye worm. Eww, gotta love that. There's also a glimpse of what looks like the dead alien and it's chair for the beginning of Alien. One thing
is for sure; Prometheus will increase your heart rate, terrify you, and make
you think twice about visiting a strange planet in hopes of finding alien life
forms. “Big things have small