Bill Moseley and Michael Berryman Come to Television

You may recognize Michael Berryman, but only a few recognize Bill Mosely out of character.  I was one of those at ZomBcon 2011.  I was standing in the drink line and started talking to the person in front of me.  Only later when I chatted with Tom Savini did I realized I had been talking with Bill Mosely ("Otis" of The Devil's Rejects, House of 1000 Corpses, Army of Darkness).  Of course, I immediately had to run back and ask for a picture.  Hell Hunters is definitely on my list of 'What to watch.'
Official Press Release
Horror icons Bill Moseley and Michael Berryman will play the leads in the new cable television series pilot "Hell Hunters".

"Hell Hunters" is an action/horror/suspense/crime drama/thriller about two childhood friends from North Dakota who read a comic book and decide to become the murderous vigilante characters in real life.

Bill Moseley will be playing the twisted role of HAZARD, the man who grew up killing the scum of the earth under the alias of the comic book character.

Michael Berryman will be playing the role of LAWRENCE BEASLEY, the kindhearted World War II Marine Raider veteran who, after surviving a napalm explosion in combat, turns school janitor and teaches the boys hand-to-hand combat.

The series will be directed by Rogue River and Sum of 9 director Jourdan McClure and is scheduled to begin filming this summer. "Hell Hunters" was created by Lawrence Donini, Emily Hansen, AJ Denton, and Corey Keer.


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