Tucker and Dale Vs Evil

Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil may have the classic horror movie set up, a group of college kids head to some back woods area, encounter hillbillies and all hell breaks loose, but it's more Shaun of the Dead than Texas Chainsaw Massacre, though Alan Tudyk's Tucker does wield a mean chainsaw.

This is not your usual torture porn horror flick. Instead, it centers around, not the college kids, but the sweet, awkward, redneck Dale, played to prefection by Tyler Lebine, and his friend Tucker, Alan Tudyk. Dale, is the awkward one, who has a hard time talking to girls, pair that with some seriously creeper stares and its easy to see how he could be mistaken for a serial killer. Instead, he and Tucker are merely headed to their new vaction home, a dilapated cabin, which has more potential for death and destruction than either Dale or Tucker could manage.

Throwing back beers on the lake during some night fishing, all is well, until the college kids decide to do some skinny dipping, and one of them, Allison (Katrina Bowden) bumps her head after being startled. It's Dale and Tucker to the rescue. From there everything goes south, way south for Tucker and Dale when they set off chain of misunderstandings, mostly resulting with the teenagers accidentally killing themselves while trying to "save" their friend.

The kids believe that Tucker and Dale have kidnapped Allison, and Tucker and Dale think the kids are on some suicide pact, as they start dropping like flies all around them, all at their own hands.

The premise sounds absurd, but it is absolute hilarity, as perception is skewed, where the "villian" is really the hero, and “hillbillies” are their own separate race. Tucker and Dale Vs Evil delivers genuine comedic moments, as well as tension. It’s not a in your face kind of scare of typical horror. And the blood and guts are more jesting than disgusting. Most of the deaths blend comedy perfectly with horror because of the character’s perception.

This is definitely one film, full of genre cliches, that is not to be missed. Alan Tudyk is the perfect red neck and "brains" of the duo, whose performance perfectly compliments Tyler Lebine. The two are an unstoppable force, and are hard to not love.

In theatres September 30th.


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