B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth: Russia #1

Publication Date: September 21, 2011

Format: FC, 32 pages

Prepared for a tunnel filled with gooed bodies? Me neither, but that doesn’t stop the commander in BPRD:Hell on Earth- Russia, who really wasn’t as prepared for it as he thought either. A quick backstory on the world that was set up in the Hell boy sets the scene for this newest offering. Hell boy has quit, Abe Sapien is in a coma, and who does that leave? Kate Corrigan and Johann Kraus, who are now on their way to a special meeting with the Russian Occult Bureau.
The partnership between Johann and Kate is one out of necessity, not because Johann is the best for the job, but he’s what she has to work with, and it seems that they’re not the only one with the that type of partnership. When meeting with the Russian Occult Bureau, they are less than welcoming with their large number of concerns magnified by information gained through wiki-leaks.
As a whole, the story seems interesting, some kind of weird freak outbreak and with the Mike Mignola and John Arcudi writing I have confidence that it will be amazing. But this first issue is filled with more angst and accusations than I really enjoy. A slow start that will surely get better, but being a five issue arc it doesn’t have much time. The next issue will make or break the series for me.


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