In Review: Evelyn Evelyn

Date:September 21, 2011
Format:FC, 160 pages, HC, 8" x 7"
Age range:16

Evelyn Evelyn a
graphic novel detailing the life of conjoined twins Eva and Lyn Neville is as
interesting as it sounds. From their
birth, to their many travels and the people that come and go from their lives,
it’s a different look into a life many may not have even knew existed.

Allowing us to see from another’s point of view, it opens
doors and opens minds. Filled with
darkness and tragedy, Evelyn Evelyn
is sometimes downright weird and creepy. It leaves you with just enough
confusion to keep turning the pages.

Though this wouldn’t be at the top of my must read list, it
is however, if you can handle the strange and creepy, something you might just


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