Lost Girl Recap S1E10: The Mourning After

The girls sit home waxing their weapons on a Friday night. Bo and Dyson are taking things slow, and Kenzi wants them all to get out a little more.

Meanwhile a guy has a one night stand, and the girl takes it a little roughly when she awakens alone the next day and kills herself the next day. I mean seriously, the writing is on the walls and none of it is nice. Our favorite detectives show up on the scene, no forced entry. No signs of foul play, though all her scribbles of dirty slut and whore on her windows raises Dyson’s suspicions.

The sister, Collette is completely unconvinced about the sudden suicide, her sister had met a great guy, and was always really confident. Dyson tells Bo it’s a clean case. Dyson’s hands are tied, but he’s willing to get the stuff over to fae labs, but Bo will have to talk to Lauren. Kenzi taps out, and leaves Bo to the death march alone. Kenzi is much nicer than I am, because I would have been hard pressed not to go into a little ditty of I told you sos. Lauren tries to use the visit as an opportunity to talk about them. Bo makes it clear this is about the case and nothing but the case. Lauren has found no fae involvement, but she’s had recent sex.

Kenzi has drinks at the Dal, when Trick is called out. He loses possession of Valentine’s coin in twenty-four hours. Before Kenzi can stick her nose further in Trick’s business, Bo takes her away to meet with Collette to find out more about Mr. Wonderful. She leaves Bo in the apartment to look for clues on Allie, our lovely self hating suicide victim. Lots of charges and matchbooks that all point to Crimson.

The girls head to Crimson, and someone takes an interest in Bo, perhaps mommy? Bo and Kenzi do a little speed dating. Kenzi is at her acerbic best, and Bo uses her wiles on more than a few people. Looks like there’s another succubus in town, and Crimson was her hunting ground. Bo takes the opportunity to get to know the Succubus, Saskia. Kenzi makes a break for it, and ends back up at the Dal. Trick snaps at Kenzi and when she goes to leave he apologizes, and Trick decides he needs Kenzi’s help. It wasn't Valentine's luck coin, it was theirs, they shared it and now the luck coin is missing. 

Saskia is willing to help, because she doesn’t like poachers on her territory period. Plus she wants to see Bo cut loose. Bo talks with Bertram, who’s in charge of speed dating. Allison was a star client, and didn’t chose a single guy on the last few sessions. When Bo asks for the list of guys who choose Allison, Bertram tells her he can’t release those files, so Bo uses her special brand of persuasion, and he gives her what she wants. Saskia watches, impressed. Bo calls Dyson with her list, and gets a back ground check. He asks about her evening, but she turns down Dyson’s nightcap offer. Silly girl, there is slow, and there is stupid, drink with the man, he is adorable.

 Bo talks fae genetics with Saskia. One or both of Bo’s parents are likely sex chi eaters, though there are several kinds. Saskia offers to be her Obi Wan. Kenzi worries about Bo’s sudden attachment to Saskia, and Bo tries to smooth her feathers. I'm with Kenzi though, something feels off about Saskia, and I'm not ready for another chorus of I told you sos.

Collette sees something she doesn’t like if her screams are any indication.

Dyson delivers his report on the speed daters, and everyone was clean, but because he trusts Bo’s instincts he dug a little deeper and found a dozen women all committed suicide and left similar graffiti on their walls. Dyson offers to assist her with her client, but she turns him down. This is seriously cutting into my Dyson time now.

The succubi head over to Collette and Allison’s, and finds Collette dead, pills scattered, and the whore graffiti everywhere. Saskia asks if Allison wrote the same messages, and Saskia identifies the perp as an Albaster, which causes more than a little concern with Saskia.

Trick gathers his supplies to summon a Lightning Bird. Trick needs Kenzie to talk the bird out of one of her eggs, since she can’t be seen or heard by any fae, a human must do it. Witch Doctors swear by the eggs to find lost or stolen goods. He can’t tell Val he lost the coin or he loses the Dal.

Albaster are natural enemies of succubi. Succubi feed off and give sexual pleasure, whereas Albaster feed off sexual shame. Bo plans on going after the Albaster, which leads them back to Crimson.

Trick goes to hide the shiny things, and not because Kenzi is in the room, but she does make a deal with Trick. Free drinks for life, I love the way this girl thinks.

Bo and Saskia hit the club, looking for the Albaster, and they quickly find their mark. Before he knows what they are, they have him between them.

The Lightning Bird comes, and Kenzi immediately begins working the Lightning Bird. She gets the bird to give her an egg for a future favor from Trick. And she tells Kenzi that Trick could get or find whatever he wanted if he would only write in his little blood book again. Could he really be the blood king, I can't keep denying all the clues. Trick keeps getting more and more interesting, and he has no clue what she said, even better.

The Albaster is in the alley with the Succubi.  They pump him for information, and he tastes human. Saskia shows Bo how to use her powers, and gets the information she needs from him. The guy is no Albaster.

Trick uses the egg to find the coin, which is in a cemetery.

Bo returns home and the real Albastor finds her, Bertram. Looks like there’s gonna be a couple of lessons given and received.

Hale, Kenzi, and Trick go to the cemetery, but the coin isn’t there.

Bo tries to use her powers on Bertram, and he’s much stronger than she is, but Saskia comes to the rescue, and she’s a lot stronger than he is. She gives Bo a little of the chi she stole from from Bertram.

Val appraises items in the Dal, counting his chickens before they’re hatched, but Kenzi has other plans, and outs the little bugger. He pulled a dutch heffer, he never turned over the coin the last time, he had the coin the entire time. Valentine hands over the coin, for real this time.

Bo tapes Bertram to a chair, and the girls get to work on the Albastor. Bo quickly loses interest in the game and goes to call Dyson, but Saskia drains him instead. Saskia doesn't understand why Bo is so against her methods, she went against her clan for Bo, but Bo decides that Saskia is too much trouble. Saskia tells her to call her when she changes her mind. Bo calls Dyson for help.

Kenzi and Trick talk about little birds. Bo and Kenzi patch up their friendship, though Bo’s mind isn’t on Kenzi’s story.


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