Sam Trammell Uncensored

We all know Sam Trammell from HBO’s True Blood, right? Well, I got to know him a little better during the True Blood Q&A at ZomBcon October 22nd. From his first horror film, New York Theater, nudity, to open-mouth kissing; you name it, he answered it. Well, no season 5 spoilers. Not that the audience didn’t try.

Sam started by saying he has a big appreciation for the Horror genre. Texas Chainsaw Massacre was the first horror film he saw at age 14. “That just, that hurt me, it destroyed me.” Other anecdotes from his younger days included being a musician and playing organized sports, to going to the same high school with Jennifer Gardner and her sister.

When he was cast as Sam Merlotte, Bon Temps’ shape-shifting bar owner, he wrote a paper on the theory of shape-shifting and gave it to Alan Ball. Sam wanted to delve into what it would be like for shifters and came up with the idea that they become addicted to the shifting. Even though he did give it to Alan, he doesn’t think he ever read it. Now he feels it was kind of stupid. He did say that the True Blood writers are open to hearing ideas, but not all of the ideas are used.

Then, of course, the moderators jumped right into the sex-scenes, wanting to know how uncomfortable it is shooting them with 20 people around watching. Sam replied that he’s gotten use to the nudity especially since he has done it for theater in front of a room full of strangers. “The toughest thing about nudity is staying in shape because the bar has been set so high (raising his hand above his head) by certain people in the show.” (everyone laughs) “There’s certain of us just trying to keep up. We’re trying to get more fit, (shaking his head) but it’s impossible.” The toughest, he added, was being shirtless with Ryan Kwanten.

There actually isn’t any animosity between anyone on set, especially because everyone has different storylines. Sam commented, “We really don’t see each other.” A week before an episode starts shooting; everyone gets together for a table read. Sam adds, “That becomes a big social event.” A moderator asked if they get drunk and Sam replied, “I can drink pretty well.” Another moderator chimed in that Alex (Skarsgard) is a professional at being able to handle his liquor. He continued with a story about the night ending with a light post, urinating, and being hung. That’s all I’m gonna tell you, but man, what a story. If you weren’t there, you missed out.

Next question by a moderator was whether he does the open-Hollywood kiss or a real kiss with tongue? Sam leaned back and said, “Wow…wow, we’re really getting into it.” During the hilarity another moderator tried to change the subject, “So, you get into some fights?” He did confess, during his career, he has had a love scene with someone he didn’t like. “Yes, but I won’t say who.” He went on to say that’s true for most people in the industry.

Sam continued answering most of our questions. He shared True Blood takes 15-20 days to shoot an episode, where the standard for television is 8 days. “It’s really like a feature schedule, more like shooting a feature. It’s nice to have that time.”

I asked since the characters evolve so much over the seasons and there are so many writers that have to write the different ARCs of the series, are the writers assigned a character and stay with that character? He said there are 5-6 writers and at the beginning of the season they talk about storylines for all the different characters. Once they get the generalities, each writer writes an episode (2 per writer). “Then the writers go off and write the episode. Then there’s a writer’s assistant who’s somebody that keeps what they call ‘The Bible’ and that’s kind of everything that’s happened in the show and the rules. That’s kinda how it works.”

A couple of interesting questions I will quote are:
Q: “Alex was in a Lady GaGa video where he got to throw her off a balcony and Norman Reedus pours beer on her ass. When are we gonna see you in a GaGa video and what will you be doing?”
A: “Perhaps licking the beer off her ass.” (laughter ensues) “I don’t know something raunchy for sure.”
Q: “The scene in season 3 with you and Bill Compton…sexiest scene ever! As a woman who likes men.”
A: “So the straight women like to see a couple of men, sometimes talking suggestively about taking a shower, without their shirts on. Wow, that’s good to know. “ Sam continued, “So if I want to pick up a girl, I should find a guy, bring her into the room, take our shirts off….and that works? Then after the scene, I could go off with the girl or would we both have to go off with her?” Entire female population in the audience yelled, “BOTH!”

We then switched topics and focused on his character, Sam Merlotte. Sam (Trammell) really likes the edgier stuff and thanked the writers. He really loved playing Tommy shifting into Sam and would love to do that type of shift again, maybe Eric.

He talked about other projects including “Long Time Gone” with Virginia Madsen. It’s a little Indie project that is almost done about a dysfunctional family. He plays a drug dealer/landscaper who befriends a kid and helps him out. “It’s a really sweet story and it’s really well written. One of the best written scripts I’ve had over my hiatus.” He hopes it will be a festival movie.
Another project he did last year, “Guns, Girls, Gambling,” he plays a corrupt sheriff. “When you put on a sheriff’s belt, you are a sheriff,” he jokes. The movie also stars Gary Oldman, Dane Cook, Christen Slater, and Megan Park.

His most favorite memorable moments were being nominated for a Tony Award, getting his big film break on True Blood, and the birth of his twin boys. “It’s another major part of life that I wanted to experience.” He continues, “Seeing other little kids thinking…I’m gonna have that in a little bit.” His favorite fanboy moment was meeting Denis O’Hare. Sam was a massive fan before he was on the show stating Denis ‘made’ “Michael Clayton.” He added that Denis owns every role he’s ever done.

Sam’s favorite romantic comedy is ‘Seems Like Old Times’ with Chevy Chase and Goldie Hawn. The funniest movie he’s seen in a long time, ‘Bridesmaids.’ Sam closed by saying he would love his next project to be a romantic comedy. “I want to do something opposite of Sam (Merlotte).”

The next morning I met Sam for some pictures. He saw me and remarked, “You’re the one with that awesome question yesterday.” Which just proves how down-earth he is. He remembers the fans he meets, probably not next week, but he remembered the next day. Even though I was there as Press, I’m a big fan and seeing him interact with other fans just makes him that more admirable.

I really want to thank Sam Trammell for being so generous. The smaller Q&A sessions are more intimate and allow a lot of fans to relax and ask questions they normally wouldn’t be able to. I also thank ZonBcon, Hilton SeaTac, and the moderators from Fangoria, Thom Carnell and Sean Smithson, and from writer, Henri Mazza for their great questions and interactions with the audience.

Nude scenes, kissing, drinking, and Alexander Skarsgard. Nothing is offlimits

What would Sam do to Lady Gaga in a video?

Sam Trammell Talks about being a father, working with an alligator, and meeting Denis O'Hare.


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