Supernatural Recap S9E06: Heaven Can’t Wait

A man calls into a suicide hotline, but hangs up, wanting to take his own life, but he gets one heck of an intervention anyways.

Castiel continues his awkward human life. He's proficient at his job, but not so much with the human interaction. He currently goes by Steve, and his co-worker Nora flirts, but Steve just doesn't get it.

Kevin brings the boys some new intel. Rambling a bit, he is able to decipher only a footnote about Metatron's spell. The boys are ready to give research a try, even if it doesn't sit well with Dean. Dean gets a call from Castiel with a case, which includes bodies and a strange substance. Dean finds a way to get away, and investigates.

Nora asks Steve about his toothbrush, and sleeping bag, and he quickly explains it away, leading her to believe he's just a hard worker, and not crashing in the stock room. Overjoyed with him being such a great catch, she asks him out and he awkwardly agrees he's free.

Dean heads out to the latest crimescene, and finds nothing but goo. The victim looks like he was thrown through a heck of a wood chipper, and the neighbors only saw a bright light. The body was vaporized, with no signs of foul play. Sam thinks that he should come and help out, but Dean insists that he has it covered.

Poor teenager cries about being dumped and when she says the magic words "I could just die" our mystery man comes to help her out, and splats her all over the side of the bus. Why her goo is neon pink is my only question.

Dean shows up at Steve's workplace, and he's a little surprised to see him. Steve tells him he didn't have much a choice when he lost his grace. He had to carve a life out for himself somehow.

Sam tries his hand at extracting information out of Crowley. He tries to pander to Crowley's compassionate side, but Crowley isn't willing to play yet. Sam moves onto plan B, threatening him with Abbadon, and that seems to be the magic words. No one questions Crowley's badness.

Dean tells Steve that this isn't the life for him, but Steve isn't so sure. Nora asks for Steve's help with some regular clerk stuff, and Dean thinks that its about the girl. Steve is sure that she's not out to kill him, like the last one, but a regular one. Dean gets a call, and tries to lure Steve out for some good old fashion hunting, after he takes care of some bathroom duties.

Steve is a little bit traumatized by the crime scene, and Dean gets the low down from the girl's friend. The girl wasn't suicidal just "bummed." Steve has seen this work before, and its bad. So some bad, twisted angel is splatting people, and my guess is that Castiel is on his hit list too. This special brand of angel has super smiting ability. He's continuing his heavenly work on Earth, and he can't tell the difference between types of human suffering. For the first time, Castiel is really scared.

Crowley agrees to read the tablet, but he wants something from the Moose in exchange. He wants to reach out and touch Abbadon, or atleast make a phone call. Sam is willing to let him make the call, but Kevin just doesn't trust him, unbelieving that he can even read the tablet. Sam goes back to get proof. Smug as ever, Crowley gives them just the tiniest bit of information until he gets his call.

Dean takes Castiel back for his date, and tries to sex him up, but he doesn't have much clothing to work with. Dean does his best, and gives Castiel some sound dating advice, which isn't lewd in the bit. Very big brother of him. Castiel clips one of Nora's flowers, and Dean drives away before Nora can see him. Nora ushers him in, but not for a date but a babysitting job. I don't think this job ends with a pizza boy though.

Crowley is ready to make his call, but he doesn't want Sam's blood to do it. He wants Kevin. He balks at first, but without another option, and a very stubborn Crowley. He uses the blood to make his call, but has trouble getting connected. Looks like the king may have lost his crown.

The baby makes quite a fuss, and Castiel is forced to take it in hand and try to calm her. His singing does the trick, but the babe will not be put down. Dean gets some news, the first crime scene was only one vic. The husband is still out there. Castiel talks to the baby of birth, and new beginnings, how his powers could have easily taken away her pain with a simple touch. He notices her fever. Dean makes a Buddy Boyle connection, and worse sees that the truck is none other than the one that nearly bumped into his baby. Castiel worries over the baby's high temperature, and when he can't reach Nora decides to take her out for some fresh air, but instead runs into the crazy smiting angel instead. Castiel tries to convince Ephraim that the baby just has a fever which will pass. Castiel was a rockstar amongst the angels, and although he's a little star struck he's on his pain wiping mission, and he's here to end Castiel's pain.

Crowley finally gets through to Abbadon.

Castiel tells him that he's doing the best he can, and Ephraim doesn't believe its good enough, because he isn't really doing anything.

Abbadon is dismantling Crowley's empire. Stealing souls before their time, and voiding contracts. Crowley sees her uptake in souls for what it is, a short term solution and a long term problem.

Ephraim prepares to put an end to things. And Dean makes a crashing entrance.

Crowley knows Hell cannot be ran on chaos alone, but Abbadon thinks she has the upperhand. Crowley may the Winchester's lap dog at the moment, but Abbadon just messed with the wrong man. More determined than ever, he makes good on his deal and translates the Kevin's papers, and delivers quite a blow. The spell is irreversible, the new world order remains intact.

Ephraim continues his holy rants, and just like any other bad guys, gets caught up in his monologue, giving Castiel a chance to get his hands on an angel blade and shank him. Another pretty angel bites the dust.

Sam tells Dean the bad news. Metatron made the spell so that the angels could never go back to heaven, and Sam asks him about breaking the news to Castiel. Castiel apologizes for overreacting to Nora, but her date was a bust anyways.

Sam cleans the bowl Crowley used for his phone call, and notices a missing syringe. What is the King of Hell up to?

Dean apologizes for sending Castiel out, and Castiel thanks him, but something is nagging him. He worries he should help the angels, but Dean assures him that he and Sam are working on it. Leaving out the fact that the angels may never get back in. Castiel goes back to his mundane life at the gas station, being nothing more than human. Dean's lies keep stacking up, soon that tower is going to fall.


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