Supernatural Recap S9E08: Rock and A Hard Place

It's late at night, doesn't this silly girl know not to walk about alone? No? Of course, hanging out under a truck with a taser will solve everything, you know until the thing lifts up a truck and blinds her with blue flames. Down the sewer hole she goes.

Dean interrupts Sam's nap, and informs him that they have nil. Kevin looks as bad as Sam does, but hasn't found a thing. Sam's feeling run down, and they're waiting for Crowley to give into his bloodlust so they can pump him for more info, before offering up a vein.

Sheriff Jody Mills calls Dean for a little weird case, and the boys come a running. Jody fills them in on the four victims, the one thing they all have in common is that they're all members of the church of good faith, and all victims of someone with super strength.She brings them her only witness, a homeless man the waitress, Honor, leaves food for. Slim tells them of the waitress's odd abduction, and Angels get crossed off the perpetrator list. No white light.

Next the boys head to the church, and talk with Bonnie about joining. She assures them of their safety, and mentions that all of the missing members were also members of the APU group. The boys all become the latest members of the Abstinence Purifies Us, and Dean is less than enthusiastic about regaining his virginity. She tells them to ask God for forgiveness and make a new pledge of chastity and then they can be born again virgins. The boys pledge and sign and virginity is theirs.

Honor uses her taser as a flashlight. Not sure that's the best use for it, but it works. Personally I'd be too afraid of tasing myself, seriously am I the only one cringing, watching, waiting for her to get spooked and tase herself?

Susie opens up the APU meeting with a prayer, she shoots down Tammy from reading a poem, and hones in on the boys. Sam has a much easier time fitting in, whereas Dean gets most of the group a little hot and bothered. That husky voice describing the touching, and pleasure he can bring, makes nearly every member puddle around him. Sam manages to reign him him, barely. After the meeting Dean tells Sam that he recognizes Susie, and moves in to investigate further. Bonnie stops Sam to see how he liked the meeting, and reveals that Honor, the waitress was her favorite. Tammy has other opinions of Honor, a little bout of green eyed jealousy on her part. Susie claims that she and Dean don't know each other, but she offers to give him some one on one counseling and they go back to her house.

Tammy spills that 2 of the victims, Honor and the Reverend had sex with each other, thereby breaking their vows. Jody tells Sam that all of the victims did, Barb and Neil did as well. So Dragons are out too.

At Susie's, Dean thinks it's go time, as she takes off her sweater until he sees Susie in tears. She asks him to pray with he for her missing friends.

Sam asks Jody if she was a born again virgin, but she isn't she just enjoys church. She needed something that made sense after the craziness of being exposed to their world. Luckily for Sam his world already makes sense.

Susie gives Dean some reading materials, and when she heads to the loo, he figures out how he knows her, from his vast recollection of porn, some of which she has stashed in a drawer. He brings it up, but she tells him that if he wants a new counselor she'd understand. But he doesn't, he tells her that she isn't the stuff of nightmares, but of good dreams. He says all the right things, and good girl Susie turns into taco slinging porn star mode instantly.

Meanwhile, silly Honor is still groping her way around a room with her taser until she finds a lantern, the pastor and Neil and Barb. The pastor doesn't look too good, and the blue flame takes him away.

Sam and Mills head off to find Dean, figuring out that the thing is taking people who break their vows, of course given an hour alone, Susie and Dean shattered the heck out of that vow. Between some goodbye kisses, and more flirtiness, they get hit with the blue flames, and it knocks them the heck out. Well, that should make finding Honor easier.

Barb, one of the missing people, tries to claw her way out, her thirst getting the bettter of her. She has seriously slipped into cray cray mode. She sees her bloody hands, and laps at her own blood. Neil is very turned off at the sight. The three hear the new arrivals, and find Susie and Dean. Neil tells them they're in hell, but I'm sure Dean has seen worse, I mean he has been in the actual hell.

Jody and Sam look for clues at Susie's, neighbors only saw a blue light, and Sam tells her that Dean crossed someone off his bucketlist, seeing Susie's porn video. Jody has a clue who's taking virgins, a Roman goddess Vesta. Apparently Vesta didn't give Dean more than a passing pat down, and he whips out his spare phone. If he can just get a signal down in the hole he can call in the cavalry. Luckily he's not in my cellphone black hole house, and he finds one, but Sam can barely understand him. He does hear a whistle and at least its some small clue, Sammy just needs to use taht big moose brain to figure out where dean and the others are as Neil plots against Honor. Apparently Vesta is picking off the weakest members, and Neil thinks Sprain ankle out weighs batshit crazy but Dean won't hear it, they need to unite.

No trains nearby, but Sam and Jody see that there's an old farm nearby, that just may have what they're looking for. An oak stained with virgin blood is what Jody comes up with to defeat Vesta. They go to Tammy for the blood, but sh's not exactly willing to help, thinking they're some sort of  crazy pagans. No nonsense Jody pops her good, giving her a nosebleed. They have they're blood, and they're on their way. They find where everyone is being held underground, and Sam tries to break his brother and the rest out, but he's knocked out. Jody comes to help, but Bonnie/Vesta captures her easily, hushing her with her flamey finger. The goddess is a little pissed that Rome let her flame go out, that she's resorted to killing these born again virgins. Bad guy rant, all self entitled and deserving of worship monologue. Before she can kill Jody, Sam smacks her good, and she drives the stake into Jody as she goes down. Jody pulls the stake from her own body, as Vesta wonders how Sam is alive. She's been feeding of her vicitm's livers, the only clean part of them, but she tells Sam that he's dead inside, all duck taped together. Jody stakes her, and it works to kill her. Thank goodness too, I was worried Jody's blood outweighed the virgins. Dean breaks his way free.

The next morning, Jody all patched up, tells the boys goodbye, Sam wonders if there is something really wrong with him. He tells Dean that Vesta said that he was dead inside, Sam wonders if he will ever be alright, or that's just the way he is. Dean is at the breaking point, its confession time. Dean gets ready to tell him the truth, and Zeke comes forward, telling him that Sam isn't ready, but they won't have to hide it for much longer. I'm not sure that Zeke can fix him, or if he's really trying but he convinces Dean to wait a little longer. Dean tells Sam to have some faith, even though the truth is killing him. Something is fishy with Zeke, and he'll betray the boys soon enough, its only a question of big a wedge this withhold of information will cause between them


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