Misfits S5E5 - "Episode 5" Recap

A girl named Leah has an ability to hack into people's brains and download them into a digital version of life. She's terrified of going outside of her flat but can experience the world by "possessing" them. Finn meets a girl at the power support group with whom he hits it off with after accidentally spitting biscuits into her hair. They go on a date and hit it off but Finn doesn't realise that she is actually being possessed by Leah. When he meets her again later at the support group, she doesn't know who he is and tells him to stay away from her.

Alex has gotten into the habit of hooking up with girls who come to him wanting their powers removed.

Rudy and Jess admit their feelings to one another but Rudy is reluctant to begin a relationship because of Finn's feelings. She tells him she won't sneak around and insists that he tell Finn about them. Rudy Two also advises him he needs to tell Finn. Rudy instead opts to film Jess on the toilet while pooing to show Finn in order to get him to get over his feelings for her. However, he accidentally sends the video to all of his contacts. He throws Jess' phone into the lake before she can watch it and she is furious about her phone. Unfortunately, the video ends up all over the internet.

The real Leah calls Finn and hacks into his brain, summoning him to her flat. Upon arriving inside, he is downloaded into a parallel universe where he wakes up in her flat with her sitting at his bedside. He tries to get going but she tries to get him to stay so she can win him over. When he opens the front door, he only finds an abyss of 1's and 0's. She admits they're in a virtual world and says she likes him and how she was the Leah whose face he spat biscuit in.

Jess is called into the probation worker's office where he confronts her about the video of her on the toilet, warning her about the dangers of technology. She storms out and confronts the group and immediately knows that it's Rudy. She proceeds to beat him with a broom before walking off.

Rudy meets the girl whom Leah had possessed at the support group and realises that Finn is in trouble. He heads to the bar and tells the rest of the group, after which they head to Leah's flat. They find Leah sitting in front of the computer and Finn's body on the bed. The interaction between the two is projected onto the computer screen. Leah is emotional, admitting that she's terrified to go outside but she's still lonely. Alex removes the USB drive from the computer that contains Finn and the group makes off with his body. Unfortunately, they leave his phone behind. Leah uses it to call Alex and hack into him. The group is pushing a shopping cart with Finn's body in it. Jess tricks Alex by asking a personal question that he answers wrong. The possessed Alex becomes psychotic and chases after the group. P-Alex chases after them with a stolen nail gun. He nails them all to the floor and brings Finn's body back up to Leah's flat, along with the USB drive.

Finn wakes back up in the virtual reality and kisses Leah while Helen finds the group nailed to the floor and she frees them. Finn is able to give Leah the courage to leave her flat for the first time since the storm. They decide to begin a proper relationship out in the real world.

Rudy meets Jess on the roof and apologises for the video going wrong and she eventually forgives him after he again communicates the depth of his feelings for her. He says he doesn't want it to be a one-off thing and she agrees to be his girlfriend.

Rudy Two goes and meets Helen with a bouquet of flowers and thanks her for saving his life by shocking his heart back to life as an 80-year old man. He then begins to tell her about the jumper.

Misfits airs on Wednesdays on E4.


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