Beauty and the Beast S2E6 - "Father Knows Best" Recap

Vincent regains some memories in his dreams. He visits Cat, who is stressing about Agent Reynolds being her father. He manages to warm her up by asking about some of the things he's dreamed and she confirms that they are indeed memories. Vincent says he only has two missions left and wants to go to Cedar Woods together to celebrate when he's finished. Cat is saddened by the fact that two "missions" means killing two people, even if they are Beasts. Vincent advises her to talk to Reynolds before leaving.

Gabe shows Tess information JT left for him. They want to find Vincent's handler. Tess thinks Gabe should tell Cat how she feels but he doesn't want to make a mess of things, after all Cat and Vincent have done for him.

Reynolds calls Vincent to assign him his next mission - a beast named Kurt Windsor. The kill can't have any mistakes but there's not much information to give him except the fact that he's paranoid with a solid alarm system. Right as he's wrapping up the call, Cat shows up to asks why he's been hiding the truth of his being her father and he agrees to talk about it later before she leaves as quickly as she arrived.

Vincent heads into the Windsor place and Tori, Kurt's daughter, comes in and witnesses the mayhem her Beastly father is unleashing after sensing Vincent's presence. He attacks Tori and begins choking her, thinking she was the one to let Vincent in. Vincent attacks and gets Kurt to break his hold and whisks Tori away into the night.

Cat and Reynolds meet for coffee. He says that her mother asked him to keep his distance, which he respected. He shares about how they met, through work, and didn't know that she was pregnant until after they broke up. He had intended on coming back into Cat's life when she turned 18 but after her mother died, he didn't want to appear as if he was taking advantage. A news story breaks up the coffee date and Reynolds tells Cat that he doesn't want to be pushy so she should call him first so he doesn't overstep.

The news story is a high profile kidnapping - Vincent's rescue of Tori. There's a $5 million dollar reward and Vincent now has Tori in his place, bound and gagged. She has seen both her father and Vincent in their Beast form. Back at the station, Gabe, Cat, and Tess all suspect that Windsor is a Beast based on JT's files. There's also some worry about the fact that Vincent might be the last Beast on his own list. Cat is sent to check on Vincent, and finds Tori's earring on his boat. Not long after she arrives,she spots Kurt and his goons arrive and begin ransacking Vincent's place. Cat managed to escape by jumping into the Hudson river.

Cat returns to the station and fills Tess in. Cat thinks that Vincent was rescuing Tori but Tess thinks he'll use her as leverage. There is some tension in their relationship since Tess isn't fond of Vincent but Cat insists that he is good for her. They then fill Gabe in and re-introduces his flatlining idea. Cat is supportive of it, or any plan that means Vincent won't have to kill someone.

Vincent has brought Tori into the woods. She's tied to a tree and Vincent is prepping the area. Vincent tries to calm Tori and makes her see that she was always a captive in her father's house. She's still loyal to her father, and is in denial at first. Vincent says he can prove what he is saying and asks Tori to trust him. She gives Vincent her arm and he nicks it to remove a tracking device her father had implanted in it.

Cat wants to meet with Kurt and Reynolds is there when she visits. Beforehand, Reynolds takes a moment to pry about her boyfriend and says he hopes he makes her happy. Kurt is not open to their help. Cat is able to spot a goon working and is able to piece together where Vincent has taken Tori. She leaves without Reynolds.

Vincent and Tori have a chat and when Tori becomes emotional, Vincent gives her a hug and his eyes glow a new colour. He hears a noise and gets to Cat right before one of his spears hits her in the eye. She warns them about Kurt and they all get away before he arrives. Kurt's guard finds three tracks and Kurt deduces that someone came to warn them.

Tori wants to call her dad. Cat doesn't want Vincent to kill him. Vincent thinks Gabe's flatlining plan is stupid. Cat pays Kurt a visit to say that he can get Tori back if he'll give up the Beast inside of him. He has two minutes to decide. He tries to turn down the offer and then Cat threatens to expose him. At the very last second, he changes his mind.

Kurt is locked in some heavy-duty restraints and hooked up to machines. Gabe prepares to do the flatlining surgery. Kurt escapes from his restraints and tosses Gabe aside before he can injects him. In the end, Vincent has no choice but to tear Kurt's beating heart from his chest.

Reynolds "coincidentally" runs into Cat at a coffee shop. He asks where she ran off to but she won't give up the information. They're on their way to building a relationship and Reynolds is pleased that Tori is safe. Reynolds cryptically questions Cat and appears to think that Vincent might be a lost cause. Gabe tells Tess what happened and they're both concerned that he might be running out of time.

Cat visits Vincent to ask what made him be so vicious. He says it all happened really fast and felt a sudden surge of energy and rage and then reacted. Cat agrees that he was trying to kill her but Vincent knows Cat is worried that he's getting worse. Cat says she was confused and shocked. It's the opposite of him getting his humanity back. She tells him it's okay as long as he's trying to move forward and progress. He says he just wishes he knew what triggered it. Cut to Tori, who was present at the heart-tearing by the way, arriving back at her place and sees her eyes flash Beast-like in the mirror.

Beauty and the Beast airs on Mondays on the CW at 8PM.


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