Walking Dead Recap S2E6: Secrets

Carl is finally up and about. He and Lori feed the chickens. Patricia gathers up chickens nearby, breaking their legs, preparing to feed it to the zombies, when a horse goes running across the property, maybe its Nelly. Patricia throws her bag of injured chickens to the hungry masses. What a waste of good chickens. She watches them rip apart the poor birds.

Glen keeps an eye on the barn, he hasn’t told the others. Maggie brings him some peaches, and she tries to get him to keep her secret. Dale and T-Dog try to talk to him, but Glen avoids them, burdened with guilt.
Andrea goes to apologize to Daryl for shooting him. He forgives her for her intention, but warns her the next time she shoots him he better be dead.

Glen urges Lori to tell Rick of her pregnancy. He begs her to take his rations if she’s not willing to tell Rick, someone needs to take care of her. And he has a point she’s too skinny, even before it was revealed she was pregnant I was thinking the girl needed a burger or five. She is super slim this year.

Rick plots out today’s scavenger hunt for Sophia watch. Glen delivers peaches, and struggles not to tell Rick of Lori’s condition. Patricia and Beth ask to take part in gun training, but Rick has to get Hershel’s okay. 
They tell him that he gave his consent, but he goes to talk to Hershel himself. Carl ask Shane to train him too, but Shane tells him that he has to talk to his parents. Shane finds a gun on Carl, and takes it away. Lori isn’t comfortable letting Carl train, but Rick sees the benefits, and even suggests that Shane is the best person to do it. Lori finally agrees to allow it.

The group sets out for some gun practice, and Dale catches Glen in a lie. Glen is holding too many secrets and he spills both to Dale.

Andrea shows some skills with weapons. And Shane looks haunted.

Dale has a talk with Hershel. Looks like the horse seen earlier was Nervous Nelly, she went back in her stall. Dale asks Hershel about the zombie barn. Hershel doesn’t see the zombies as dead, only as sick people. Dale tries to reason with Hershel, but he’s holding onto a hope that just isn’t there. Seems that they knew about the zombie in the well, they left that “person” there, and Dale and the rest killed him. Dale tells him that they can make the barn more secure, but Hershel tells him its already secure, and asks him to just keep it to himself. He doesn’t trust the group, especially where his “sick people” are concerned.

Lori goes to help Hershel with the fences, and asks after Carl. She thanks him for all he’s done. She tells him they will earn their keep, and he makes it clear they should more on soon. Seems that Rick failed to mention they weren’t welcome once everyone was well.

Shane takes Andrea for some advance target practice. He riles her, pushing her too hard when she can’t hit a moving target. She walks away frustrated.

Lori asks Rick about them leaving. Rick admits that he knew, but he’s working on changing Hershel’s mind. Rick didn’t want to scare Lori, and he can’t stand to lose her faith in him.

Andrea tries to walk back to camp, and Shane gives a half-hearted apology for bringing her dead sister into it. Shane tries a different olive branch and asks her to be his back up on his Sophia hunt.

The smell of food makes Lori ill, and Dale notices. She tries to play it off, but he already knows. She tells him that she hasn’t told Rick yet, and Dale asks if its because of Shane. Lori has regrets about Shane, but she thought Rick was dead. And she worries about the baby growing up in the dark world they now live in.

Glen chops wood, and he apologizes when he sees Lori. But she isn’t mad. She’s ready to take him up on his offer of help. Glen plans another store run, and Maggie goes along. She’s upset that Glen spilled the beans. Maggie is unsure about the zombies, she still sees them as people too. When Maggie asks Glen what they’re there for, she’s mad that he keeps Lori’s secret. He splits up the list, and they go searching. A zombie grabs her, and I think her viewpoint on zombies changed, as Glen kills it to protect her.
Shane and Andrea find themselves in a nice quiet neighborhood.

Maggie is a little pissed when she comes back to camp, attacking Lori. Glen catches up to her, and he blames himself for what happened. She kisses him, and tells him that she can’t stand the idea of him becoming one of them.

Shane and Andrea go house to house searching for Sophia. They find all sorts of horrors, but no Sophia. The once quiet streets are suddenly crawling with walkers. And the two of them have to shoot their way out. Andrea finally finds her confidence and shoots the moving targets with accuracy.

Glen goes to Lori, whose shaken up still after Maggie’s attack. She feels bad for putting Glen in danger, but he’s the one that offered. He asks if the morning after pills would work, and he gives her prenatal vitamins just in case, and leaves the decision in her hands, but suggests that maybe she shouldn’t make the choice alone.

Andrea is pleased with herself, she and Shane drive away. She makes a move on him, and things get a little frisky in the car.

Lori contemplates the pills, taking them all, but she immediately regrets the decisions, and makes herself throw them back up.

Shane and Andrea return, they give Carol the news, they found nothing. Which at this point is good news, at least they didn’t find Sophia’s body. Dale asks what happened out there, neither spills the beans, but Dale suspects something and confronts Shane. Dale suggests Shane should leave, for the best of the group. Dale suspects that Shane hasn’t been so truthful about the night he went to the high school with Otis. He knows what kind of man Shane is, Shane denies it, but makes a veiled threat about his accusations. Don’t poke the tiger Dale, Andrea isn't worth it and don't bet that Lori really wants him gone.

Rick stumbles across Lori’s stash of meds Glen got her, and he draws unfortunate but accurate conclusions. He goes to find her, expecting the worse, and she realizes that the cat is out of the bag. She tells him they can’t leave because she’s pregnant, she didn’t take the morning after pills, she threw them up. He wants to know how long she knew, and he’s a little mad she confided in Glen rather than him. She admits how scared she is of the future, and he softens towards her. He wants the baby more than anything, but he won’t force her into anything. He asks for honesty, and she tells him about Shane. He knew. He gives her the it’s ok, it was the end of the world and you thought I was dead. And they leave it at that.


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