Goon: Wicked Inclinations


Publication Date: November 30, 2011
Format: FC, 128 pages, TP, 7" x 10"
Price: $16.99
Age range: 16
ISBN-13: 978-1-59582-626-8

The wit, the noir, the horror, everything you love about the Goon is here. Eric Powell’s work is masterful, taking a story you thought you knew and turning it on its ear, making it far better.

The Goon gains a valuable ally, one sick of the zombies rising, and he knows the Zombie Priest’s name, but his help may come at a price. Forcing the Zombie Priest against a wall may have been a mistake as a greater foe is created, one that the Goon may not be able to stop no matter who his allies are. 

To save his friends Goon is willing to employ a zombie, but he should really know better than to trust those things, especially with his way of making enemies. His hard treating of the gypsies, no matter how valiant his reason, was bound to bite him in the tush.  And when Henchmen go running for the hills, you know trouble is a brewing. With Goon, there’s always trouble a brewing though.

And, no SATAN’S SODOMY BABY! I laugh as I write that sentence, but Powell’s description of that story, paired with Franky’s reaction makes me almost scared for it.
The book closes out with a handful of shorts, which were absolutely delightful . For the most part Goon only makes an cameo, but they’re no less twisted or delightful as the rest of the series.

Overall the artwork is always delightful, and the noir elements of the story are enrapturing. Goon and Franky are lovable characters, a little rough around the edges, but the kind of guys you’d want in a fight. Powell weaves a good tale that makes you thirst for more.


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