True Blood Recap: She’s Not There

Season Four finally begins. To check the recap of the first 8 minutes of the recap, please check our other recaps.
Granddaddy Earl  pushes Sookie in as takes a leap go into the portal. They fall back home to the grave yard, its daylight. Bill and Eric both open their eyes. Granddaddy Earl is weak, he’s had the light fruit. He’s aging fast, as he heads to Adele’s grave. He gives Sookie a watch to give to Jason, as he says goodbye, and is gone in a puff of dust.
Sookie heads home to find men working on her house, inside and out. One of the workers tries to stop her, threatening to call the police. Jason comes, dressed as a police officer, overjoyed to see her. She’s been gone twelve and a half months. Jason sold the house. He doesn’t believe her about where she’s been until she gives him the watch.
At dusk Bill arrives promptly. He immediately knows that she was with Claudine, he hadn’t felt her for all the time she was gone. Eric shows up shortly after, he was the only one that never gave up on her. Bill tells him to go, and he does. Another sheriff car comes, this time its Andy Bellefleur. He’s both happy and upset to see her, emphasis on the upset, especially when she says that no one took her. Things have very much changed around Bon Temps. She tells Bill to everyone else she’s been gone a year, but to her, its only been a few minutes since he shattered her heart.
Jason asks if Andy is using again. Andy claims he isn’t, but Jason finds his stash of V and he confiscates it.
Jesus and Lafayette head to a coven meeting. It’s been a few months since his last vision. He’s skeptical to say the least. Holly is there as well. Marnie comes out of her trance, seeing Lafayette, she calls him over. She asks if he knows anyone named Eddie, she offers him an invisible rose, and when he goes to grab it, she grabs his hand, and channeled Eddie. Lafayette freaks out.
Arlene comes in to find her baby with a bunch of headless dolls. Arlene freaks out. Terry tries to explain it away, saying it’s a boy thing. She still worries about the baby being Renee’s and therefore evil.
Tara kicks some butt in the ring.
Jessica watches TV, and Hoyt comes home to an empty fridge. He makes a little comment about her not cooking, but eating him, and she angrily cooks him some eggs. He eats them, though they are clearly not cooked, and her anger melts into giggles, as she takes the plate away before he gets sick.
Jason and Sookie sit on the couch and has a little moment.
Pam sits doing a TV spot, but she’s very droll to Nan’s dislike. Eric delivers a much better, and sexier message. Bill delivers a speech, very politician like, as he praises Portia Bellefleur during the ribbon cutting. Nan is much happier with Eric as spokesman.

Tara takes a smoke break, and kisses the girl she beat in the ring. A drunk propositions the two girls. Tara takes his money, but walks off. The girl, Naomi calls her Toni.
Sookie comes back to work, and finds out that Tara is gone, and Lafayette has no clue where. Sam is very prickly, he lets her come back, but only part time. Jesus comes to visit Lafayette, but Lafayette is still upset thinking he was set up. Jesus wants him to believe in magic, more than anything. Andy comes to see Lafayette for some V, claiming its police business he's on. Jason intervenes, and sends Andy away.
Mrs. Fortenberry come, with Tommy Mickens. He’s walking funny and seems to be changed. Sam is going to anger management and paying for Tommy to go the physical therapy.
Tara and Naomi are having a good roll in bed, when she receives a text from Lafayette. She tells the Naomi that its from her father about her grandmother, and she needs to return home.
Sookie sits down with Portia. She’s tracked down the buyer of her house, and she’s working on getting Sookies house back, and as she talks Sookie hears her thoughts. Seems Portia and Bill have been spending some time together.
Jessica dances at Fangtasia as Hoyt watches on. A human, Matt tries to pick her up, and as she listens to his heartbeat she hesitates for a minute. Hoyt brings Jessica a blood martini and apologizes, she runs off in tears. In the bathroom, she can’t bring herself to take a drink. Pam knocks on the door, and sees its Jessica. She tries to talk some sense into her, saying she’s watched her eyefucking fangbangers the entire night. Jessica leaves in a huff.
Sam discusses Tommy and his feelings in a sort of support group that all happen to be shifters. They change to horses and go for a night time run.
Jason heads to Hotshot, with food and goods for the whole town. Crystal is still gone, and he’s stuck taking care of everyone, but the responsibility looks really good on him. He goes to see whats wrong with the cold box, and someone knocks him out and locks him inside.
The wiccans sit around a circle, summoning a spirit back into Marnie's dead bird. She urges them on with an unfamiliar chant, making Lafayette join anc complete the circle. As he joins hands with everyone, a shiver runs through the circle. She chants in latin, and the bird comes back to life taking flight, it flies towards Lafayette and drops back down dead when it exits the circle.
One of the coven members goes to see the king, which is now Bill.
Sookie exiting her shower and goes to dress, Eric catches her towel. He was able to come in because she no longer owned the house, he owns it, and he lays claim on her, dropping fang.


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