True Blood Recap: Second Three Minutes of Season Four

Sookie has to tell her Grandddaddy of Gran's, and her parents passing. She tells him that Gran passed peacefully. He swears he hasn't been gone that long, and doesn't understand how so much time has passed. He's been there all this time, which he thought was only a few hours. A hunched figure distracts her, and blood pours down the walls nearby. Sookie sees that the beautiful light fruit is not as it seems, its covered in maggots.
 Sookie calls out to her Grandfather with her mind. She tells him its a trap and urges him to leave, but all have heard her. The Queen, Mab comes forward telling her that the trap is the world she left behind. She tells Sookie that their world is in peril because a vampire breached their world because he drank fairy blood, hers. And now they plan to harvest the seeds they've sown. They're harvesting people. They try to force Sookie to eat the fruit, Claudine watches in trepidation, but Sookie hits Mab with her microwave fingers, and the beautiful garden changes into a waste land, and the beautiful fairies turn into ugly twisted beings. As the people and "fairies" alike scramble Sookie tells her Granddaddy to run.


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