In Review: Crawl To Me by Alan Robert

The first issue of Crawl To Me  has yet to hit stands, July 13th, but we’ve got an advanced copy for review. It has a creepy but classic premise, a young family moves into a new home, but the house may hold secrets that will shatter their entire existence.
The story takes place during the winter months, the landscape washed in white. In this first installment, we’re introduced to Ryan Shelby and his dog Max. His wife Jessica, and daughter Grace are off screen.
Not all is right in the neighborhood, when Ryan sees the unexpected, but is it real or hallucination? And when Max returns with a grim surprise it just adds to the horror.
This first outing leaves me with mixed feelings. The artwork is gritty, muted colors and splashes of red with the occasional fluorescent for impact, it works for the story, blurring the lines of reality. The creep factor is very high. Fans of Alan Robert will enjoy the twisting dementia of the character, and the curve ball of delusion. And while I have confidence in Alan Robert, I’m not quite sure if the series can live up to the hype and deliver real scares as it progresses. A solid first outing, and  good foundation if he can keep the creep factor high, without making it seem too comical, it'll be another sure-fire fan favorite.
Check your local comic book stores beginning July 13th for this one!


  1. This book is gonna b insane

  2. There's a Crawl to Me teaser on YouTube - the creep factor looks pretty high to me!


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