SDCC Live Tweeting the Lost Girl Panel

Hey guys, stay tuned, I'll be live tweeting the Lost Girl Panel!

Ur welcome to everyone who enjoyed the  pictures and live panel tweets.
 and zoie wanted to create a very real relationship for their characters 
Everyone loves the wardrobe! "makes all your clothes at home look like crap"  
No one gets to teal clothes from the set because Jay steals them all, lol  
Kenzi is turning into a warrior in her own way 
Every1 would want Vex as a fae friend! & we'll see more of him! Was suppose to die but he was too much fun! 
Ciara and Dyson had to create their 1000 yr old relationship in 2 days 
 didn't think he was as hunky as he is in auditions they broke wall plaster during chemistry reading
Jay never anticipated Ksenia would be so funny, neither did she!
Talking about the big body swap and how ridiculous it looked with the special effects  
Ksenia heard the stories of baba yga as a child as well "that scary witch"  
I'll tweet what I can during the  panel but the rest will be up on the blog soon!
 panel starts soon and I'm right up front! Any wait!


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