Jessica Biel is out of THE WOLVERINE

Just week, the internet was a buzz with the news that Jessica Biel was in talks to play The Viper in the upcoming superhero sequel The Wolverine. Today that bubble has been burst. Word has come out that those talks have broken down, and that the actress will not be involved.

There is no word on what caused the negotiations to end, although 20th Century Fox is already on the hunt to find another actress to fill the role, since shooting is scheduled to begin next month in Australia. Which shouldn't be hard, there are plenty of beautiful and talented women who could play the part. Seriously someone please offer this job to the lovely and talented, Anna Silk.

Hugh Jackman is returning as the title character, and we also reported last week that Will Yun Lee has signed on as The Silver Samurai, and Brian Tee is playing Noboru Mori.

James Mangold is directing from a screenplay by Christopher McQuarrie and Mark Bomback. The shooting will take place in Australia for interior sound stage shots, before moving to Japan for exterior work.

The Wolverine comes to theaters July 26th, 2013 and stars Hugh Jackman, Will Yun Lee, Brian Tee. The film is directed by James Mangold.

Sources: Collider


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