SDCC Preview Night 2012 and Camp Twilight Meet and Greet

Robert Kirkman
Preview Night, the first day the lucky few get to step foot on the comic con floor. It’s not as crazy as the actual first day of the con, but that doesn’t mean it’s not packed. If you’re the type that want to take pictures of the great displays at San Diego Comic Con, this is probably your best shot. Are there still going to be people blocking your pictures, of course, this is comic con we’re talking about. But the pushing is less, and the smell is far more pleasant. Rather than smelling like the Wrath of Con, you know that powerful overwhelming, powerful, gag-inducing, smell of funky BO that invades the con every year by Friday, it has more of a pleasant new carpet smell.

with Robert Kirkman
If you’ve never been to comic con, just being on the floor can be overwhelming. Distracting shiny things, seeing your favorite artists and writers, it’s a little much for first timers. For this blogger, there was a schedule for preview night, and yet, I admit, I fangirled just a little when I spotted Robert Kirkman signing Walking Dead Comics over at the Image Booth and got completely off course.  Which of course lead me to Joe LeFavi, over at Archaia’s booth.

If you don't know who Joe is, he's one of my favorite guys, he’s in the know to a whole lot over at Archaia, and he’s a fellow Jim Henson lover, a definite much see person at Comic Con. Trust me, a chat with him is always worth it, especially if that chat includes Fraggle Rock, The Labyrinth and David Bowie, or even My Little Pony.

With Joe LeFavi
And if you’re a toy/figure collector be prepared to be even more overwhelmed. Preview Night is a must for collectors. Not only are Comic Con exclusives unveiled this day, but it’s your first chance to scoop them up. Most retailers have learned over the years of the voraciousness of comic con buyer appetites, and have limited the quantities they release each day, they do it in the name “fairness,” but preview night is the one time competition will be less. Not non-existent, which you would have seen if you were trying to buy this year’s Monster High exclusive, Scarah Screams & Hoo-Dude Voo-Doo, but I’ll get into that more later. Bottom line, have a plan of action and snap up everything you want. If you save it for later, it probably won’t be there.
One Extra Special thing that happened on Preview Night this year was the cast of Twilight, except the Trinity, came out and greeted fans that were insane enough to camp out. I was not one of those insane campers, but I did do the meet and greet with the cast all the same. There were 28 cast members that I counted that came out for photos and signatures, and unfortunately while the photos came back from the con, the poster I had to give away did not. It mysteriously disappeared out of my belongings, so no giveaway there, but I do have another twilight poster that will be up for grabs.

Photos: Courtesy of our lovely photographer SweetLeilani


  1. Great article ! Ty for using the photos after all u were photographer there as well ;) love u girl !

  2. Much love to you as well my dear! I'll be posting lots more soon!


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