True Blood Signing at SDCC

The True Blood panel and signing are two big highlight every year of the San Diego Comic Con show, and this year was no exception. Fans line up hours before the show's door even open to get the opportunity to attend either and this year was no exception.

The line for Ballroom 20 stretched out to the bay even in the early hours, long before the stars were to set foot into the room, and the line for the ticket raffle for the signing was capped hours before the signing was set to take place, which didn't stop anyone from sneaking in since the people in charge didn't seem to know what they were doing for the most part. Warner Brothers implemented a new system for their signing this year to avoid the cluster, and overwhelming crowds they had in previous years, but I, like many others who experienced the new system found myself wondering if this was the way to go. Afterall Fox has some equally big shows, and yet they don't make their fans wait hours in line for a chance to draw a ticket. All of Fox's signing tickets and raffle tickets are handed out first thing in the morning and their fans are then able to enjoy the rest of the show and not waste their day.

The signing included Alan Ball, Charlaine Harris, Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, Ryan Kwanten, Rutina Wesley, Nelsan Ellis, Kristin Bauer Van Straten, Alexander Skarsgard, Deborah Ann Woll and Kevin Alejandro.
 I was able to snap a few pictures of the signing, but with the large crowd, I could only get pictures on one side. Luckily it was the side that Alex, Deborah and Kevin were on. Alex was charming as always waving to the shouting fans, and he even threw his name plate to me at the end, but a security guard swooped up the prize and took it away before I could claim it. Ah, next year.

Check out our facebook page for all the pictures from this signing, and the rest of the con!


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