Supernatural Recap: Mommy Dearest

8th Street Lounge, two guys leave, sees the Mother in her blood smudged dress. One throws out a cheesy pick up line, she caresses his cheek, and goes inside, locking the door behind her. A patron inside asks if she’s okay seeing the blood on her dress, she kisses him and he slumps over, his friend tries to help him and the friend assaults him. Eve claims she gave him a gift. She walks around bestowing her gifts and soon everyone is attacking and eating everyone else, spreading the infection, as she sits watching.

Dean loads shotgun shells with Phoenix ash. Dean doubts the ash, rubbing it on his skin to no effect. Sam thinks its like iron against fae, doesn’t hurt humans, burns the fae. Bobby tells Dean its time to call Cas, but he balks. Cas appears suddenly to see the progress on finding Eve. There’s tension between he and Dean. Sam thinks that they should look for a “friendly” monster. They send Cas for Lenore. She’s less than pleased to see the boys, they want to know about Eve, but she wants nothing to do with Eve. Lenore has been doing her best to resist Eve, she claims that she can’t help them. Sam tries to reason with Lenore. She finally tells them where she’s at, Grant’s Pass. Lenore begs for death, because she’s a danger and she can’t help herself because of Eve. Castiel lays hands on her and fries her.

The boys arrive, and the town seems too normal. Cas says he’ll search, but when he tries to pop out, he finds himself blocked, powerless. They don’t find much off in the town. One case called into the CDC is the only lead. They go to see the doctor handling the case, Cas makes for an awkward and hilarious partner, but the doctor isn’t in. Dean and Cas decide to pick the lock and have a look around his office. Dean notices blood, leading to a corpse.

Bobby and Sam head to the doctor’s house, no answer. As they’re leaving, a sheriff stops them. He was coming to see if the doctor was feeling ok, Bobby’s fast talking gets him to put out an APB on the doctor. Reunited Bobby, Sam, Dean and Cas compare notes.

They go to the corpse’s house, to talk to his roommates. No answer, so the boys bust down the door, but all are dead inside, except one. He looks like the original corpse, Ed, but his driver’s license shows different. The boys learn of Ed and Marshall’s encounter with Eve.

They head to the 8th Street bar, and Dean coins the new species of vampire/wraith’s Jefferson Starships, because they’re horrible and hard to kill. The cause of death seems to have been flu like symptoms. They suspect Eve is creating monsters, and then the cops bust Bobby, Cas and Sam as Dean hides. As they get to the police station, one of the cops begins to attack the others, he’s a Jefferson starship. Dean arrives, taking out a few, and Cas gets a few as well. They refrain from killing them all, as they question the Sherriff, who seems to have been in on it the whole time. He’s the healthiest specimen yet.

Noises draw Sam and Dean away from the interrogation. They find two young boys bound and gagged in a cell. They put the young boys through tests to make sure they’re human, and deem them to be so. The boys were suppose to be food for the monsters they say. Cas tells Dean that they need to find Eve, but Dean insists on taking the boys home, on making them the top priority.

Cas sees Sam and Dean’s soft spot for children to be a danger. Bobby set him on the course of making the sheriff give up the mother, as Sam and Dean return the boys to their family. The sheriff taunts them, Cas tells bobby that he needs five minutes alone with him, even if his angel mojo isn’t working. He leaves and Cas gets the address where the mother is.
She’s been at the diner they’d gone to when they first arrived in town. Dean and Sam decide to go in alone, with Bobby and Cas as a failsafe. Using his phone to check, Sam sees that all of the patrons inside are starships. Before they can leave the boys come face to face with Eve, who quickly disposes of their phoenix ash filled bullets.

Eve claims that she doesn’t want to fight. She’s a fan of the natural order, a few of her children turn humans, and hunters kill her children. She turns into Sam and Dean’s mother to get her point across. She doesn’t want them, she wants Crowley. He’s not really after Purgatory, but the souls. They’re power. She claims that she’ll turn all the humans, so that all the souls will come to her. She’s been building the perfect beast, and she finally has, one of the little boys, Ryan. Little Ryan’s uncle finds the other brother, Joe, dead right before Ryan kills him too.

Eve gives the boys an offer. If they bring Crowley to her, she lets them live. Dean refuses, and the starships bring in Castiel and Bobby. Dean stands firm with her against her offer. He tells her to bite him, and she does. She immediately starts choking. He ingested the phoenix ash. They all stand by watching her die, the starships start to panic. Cas tells them to shut their eyes, and Eve’s death is marked by a ball of light. Cas fixes Dean’s wound.

They go back to Ryan’s house and find that someone has already taken care of the problem. Looks to be the work of demons. The boys try to make sense of it all, which makes them believe that what Eve said was true about Crowley. Cas says that he burned the bones, but he’ll look into it, and disappears. Bobby says that its not like Cas to make mistakes like that unless he meant to. Dean doesn’t want to believe it, but its hard for him not to.

Cas goes back to the diner, standing over the mother’s body. Crowley comes saying that he’s tired of cleaning up Cas’s messes.


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