Priest at Wondercon

Sitting in for the Priest footage left me saying just three things. Oh. My. Gawd.

Seriously, it was that good. Director Scott Charles Stewart teams up once again with Paul Bettany, to bring some major butt kicking to the screen.

They last teamed up on Legion, where there was some butt kicking as well. Some hated Legion, whereas I loved it, because I'm of the belief that if Paul Bettany is in it, it can't be that bad. 

But even the greatness of Paul Bettany aside, this movie looks pretty bad ass.

It looks like a mash up of wastelands, futuristic weaponry, western, and Mad Max with vampires, and a heaping scoop of crazy. Probably more than one scoop of crazy with all the insane religious weaponry.

I'm not a huge fan of 3D, but this one convincingly pulls it off. Even Paul Bettany said he was a little taken aback by how good it looked in 3D.

The film is based on the graphic novel also named Priest, by Min-Woo Hyung.

Bettany's character a legendary Warrior Priest who breaks his vows in order to  rescue his niece when she's abducted by a murderous pack of vampires. He's joined by his niece's boyfriend, a trigger happy sheriff, and a former warrior priestess.

That description does not do it justice, and all I have to say is Maggie Q should always have a whip. The girl is amazing. In the sneak peak she does some major damage to a group of vampires with her whip, and it rains down body parts.The movie also stars Cam Gigandet, Lily Collins, and Karl Urban.

Lily Collins was adorable and very excited in the press room, she's just been named the new Snow White in Relativity Media's new picture, so the girl has much to be excited about. 

Paul Bettany was delightful backstage, and very enthusiastic about the movie.

I didn't get a chance to talk to Cam Gigandet, so don't ask me about his hair. I'm just as confused by the awfulness as everyone else.

Priest is set to open May 13, 2011.


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