The Immortals at Wondercon

Director Tarsem Singh delighted the crowd with some stunning footage of his new film the Immortals.

Style wise he referred to it as Caravaggio meets Fight Club, in a good way. And it did look pretty amazing, looks like the producers of 300 were putting all their green screen work to great use.

Of course it was a first look, and it didn't really give much insight, but if the movie is as good as it looks visually, it will be pretty darn amazing.

There were some great shots of Mickey Rouke as King Hyperion, the troublemaker of the story. Luke Evans, as Zeus, brandishing a lighting whip was equally impressive. And various of shots of warriors, the other Gods, maidens in formations, and a very lovely Freida Pinto.

But pretty much the whole room was going bananas for the soon-to-be Superman, Henry Cavill, who plays Theseus.  And who wouldn't, it was Cavill that originally lured me into watching Tudors, which was an amazing series.

Henry is more than fit in the film, with invitation muscles shown in all their glory, so of course, his exercise regime was asked about. Which he described in the most self-depreciating way in his sexy British accent.

Can this guy get any hotter? Seriously, he is adorable when giving interviews, or being grilled during a panel.

And then the Superman questions came, but all he could really say was that the suit was still being developed. Hopefully he is fond of spandex, because any suit obscuring the view would be a shame.

Over at the Archaia booth, an upcoming graphic novel was discussed. It will be a prequel to the movie, to introduce the audience to the world of the Immortals. David Mack, Ron Marz, Ben Templesmith, and Dennis Calero are attached  to it. The book is set for release in September 2011, while the movie is headed to theaters in November 2011.


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