Game of Thrones Recap: The Kingsroad

Daenerys has a rough time riding with her nomadic tribe, and adjusting to life as the Khaleesi. The riding is hard on her, but her brother Viserys is doing fine as he continues making promises of what his reign will be like.
Tyrion awakes with the hounds, his snotty nephew Joffery  finding him. Tyrion smacks some common sense into the boy, I do love Tyrion. Peter Dinklage plays him to perfection. The Lannisters discuss Bran over breakfast. Despite his horrendous fall, Bran will live, much to the Queens dismay. Tyrion plans to go to the Wall, and he’s hoping for Bran’s recovery wanting to hear the boy’s story.
Caitlyn sits watch over her son, Bran. Queen Cersei tells her of the black haired son that she lost, and says that she prays that Bran will be returned to her. Cersei almost sounds sincere.
Jamie Lannister finds John Snow at the Blacksmiths. He claims that he is thankful for the men on the wall, but he’s condescending. Snow tries not to take offense, but it does plant a seed of doubt in him. He goes to see his sister Arya, to give her the gift from the blacksmith, a sword she names Needle. He gives her some sage advice “Stick him with the pointy end,” and they say goodbye. Next he comes to say goodbye to Bran, though Catelyn is less than happy about it. He tells Bran of his plans to become a member of the Night’s Watch, and that he wishes for Bran to come visit when he awakens. Catelyn tells him to leave, as Ned overhears. He watches his son leave, before going to sit with his wife. 17 years ago he road off with Robert and came back with another woman’s son, John Snow; she tells him that she cannot do it this time, she doesn’t want him to become Hand, but he says that she must.
Snow and Robb say their goodbyes, before all set off. Ned is the last to say goodbye to his son as he goes with the King, and Snow to the Wall. Ned tells him that the next time they see each other they will finally talk of his mother, and with that, they take their separate paths.
Ned and Robert reminiscence about old times and Lilah, Snow’s mother, there is regret in Ned’s voice. Robert tells Ned that Daenerys has married a horse lord. Robert wants to kill the lot of them, but Ned does not believe they are a threat since there is a sea that separates them. Robert says that a war is coming.
Khal Drogo takes his wife roughly from behind once again, as he does she finds pleasure in her dragon eggs.
John Snow meets his new brothers, rapers who chose the wall over castration. Snow asks Tyrion why he reads so much. He tells him that things are expected of him, that his father was Hand for the old king. Until his brother killed the old king, Snow points out. The two form an uneasy friendship through banter.
Catelyn so distraught over the turn of events cannot handle the simple takes her domain requires. Robb steps in, and tries to get his mother to take care of her other children, he sees a fire, and runs to take care of it. Once alone, Catelyn is attacked by Bran’s would-be assassin. She fights him off as best she can, but Bran’s direwolf saves them both. He takes up post on the boys bed.
The women bathe Daenerys. She talks with them of the dragons, one tells her a dragon tale. She makes the other women leave, and the two get to know each other better. Daenerys wants to learn to make the Khal happy.
Snow, Tyrion and the others make it to the Wall.
Catelyn leaves Bran’s bedside, to see where Bran fell from. Walking through the ruins she finds a suspicious clear spot on the floor and a blonde hair. She tells a group of trusted men that she believes that Lannisters are behind it. The men agree, the knife the assassin used was Valarian steel and dragon bone. Catelyn decides to ride after her husband to tell him her findings.
The whore tells Daenerys that she must look him in the eyes. “Love comes in at the eyes.” She writhes on top of her, showing her how to seduce him, and although Daenerys takes charge she is still unsure. When Khal comes to her bed she refuses to let him take her like a slave. She takes rides him instead.
Sansa walks Lady, bumping into the Hound and Joffrey. Joffrey and Sansa go for a walk. Arya and the Butcher’s boy, Micah, sword fight with sticks, when the two over hear them. Joffrey tells him to draw his sword, but Micah doesn’t want to. Cruelly Joffrey cuts his cheek, but Arya hits Joffrey with her stick before he can hurt Micah more. Micah runs away, and Sansa whines that Arya is ruining everything. Joffrey attacks Arya with his sword, and she falls. Her direwolf leaps to her rescue, biting Joffrey’s arm. Arya throws his sword into the river, and she and her wolf run away. Sansa goes to comfort her prince, but Joffrey does not want her to. As armed men look for Arya and her wolf, she sends the wolf away so that she will not be killed. Night falls and they still search for Arya. The Lannisters find her and take her before the King and Queen.
Ned is furious that his daughter was not brought to him. Joffrey claims that Micah and Arya attacked him with clubs as her wolf mauled him. Sansa is brought forth, but she is torn between the two. She says that she does not remember what happened. Robert says that children fight, but Cersei wants the child punished. Robert says it is over and that they will punish their own children. Cersei asks of the direwolf, but Arya’s cannot be found. Cersei wants the other killed, even though both girls protest since Lady is innocent, but Robert just wants to be done with all of it.
As Ned goes to be Lady’s executioner, the Hound comes with the Micah on the back of his horse. He road the boy down. Ned goes and  kills the wolf himself, though it pains him to do it.
Bran awakens.


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