COMIC CON Day 1 Intelligence and Psych Signings plus scenes around the floor

San Diego Comic Con has officially begun. Preview night is nice, but it doesn’t quite have that heart-pounding feel of the actual con. There’s plenty of the schedule today, and after navigating the horrible signing drawings where I actually got two of the ones I wanted there was time to wonder the floor.

I do a lot of wondering the floors when I can at Comic Con, you just never know what you’re going to see. My favorites this year are the Superman Costumes. They have a bunch of the Super suits worn by: Christopher Reeves, Dean Cain, Brandon Routh and Henry Cavill. They even had on display Tom Welling’s not quite superman/superman ensemble. Superman is likely to have a very large presence this year, even though there is no Superman movie they’re showing, it is his 75th birthday, and I must say he looks good for his age.

The Legendary booth also has some great displays of costumes from Seventh Son and Pacific Rim.

The first signing I drew of the day was for the new show Intelligence. It’s set to debut early 2014, and really besides a synopsis as follows, I have no clue the quality of show.  "A drama centered on a high-tech intelligence operative who is enhanced with a super-computer microchip in his brain, and the director of the elite government cyber-security agency who supports him.

Sounds cool? Sure. More importantly it’s starring Josh Holloway, Meghan Ory and Marg Helgenberger who are all on hand to sign. One thing I hate besides having to draw tickets in a lottery for signings is that they don’t allow pictures during many of the signings. This one allowed some photos but apparently people abused the privilege, and the rest of us suffered. Thanks guys. The cast though were bubbly and excited, and were still trying to chat as the people working the signing tried to move people along.

The following signing was for Psych. I’m a long time fan. I’ve worked a few press rooms with them, I was due to head into their press room right after this, I’ve sat through their panels but I was excited anyways, you know right up until they sold out of their book they were signing. Seriously? If you have a signing, why would you not have enough books on hand? Why you not let everyone buy theirs prior to seeing the cast to make sure everyone got atleast one, and not let the autograph sellers get multiple copies. Heck I had even asked prior to the signing about the book supply and even though they claimed they had enough there were a lot of people left without books.

Alright, I’m done with my soap box. This cast really gets along well, and they’re very funny when you put them all together. Tim Omundson cracked jokes with Dulé Hill,  Kirsten Nelson supplied funny voices. James Roday didn’t seem to be really enjoying himself all that much, but he was more than happy to take a picture along with myself and Corbin Bersen. He’s just not really a crowd person, and Comic Con is all about the crowds. He was still very nice.

So day one of signings didn’t exactly go according to plan, but nothing at the show ever does, but not to fret there’s still plenty of days left!

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