SABOTAGE NYPD Screening, Twitterview, Reddit AMA, + New Clip!

To kick off the final countdown to Friday, last night Arnold Schwarzenegger and Joe Manganiello gave the NYPD a very special screening of their latest rampager, SABOTAGE! These two mega-stars shook hands and took some memorable photos with these brave men and woman. 

Don't miss out on even more action from the stars of SABOTAGE! Join Arnold and Joe TODAY as they answer questions via a special TWITTERVIEW with IGN!

WHEN: TODAY, Monday 3/24, 11am PST2pm EST 
WHERE: Ask Joe Manganiello & Arnold Schwarzenegger your questions for TODAY'S Q&A on sure to tag #SabotageIGN

ALSO, tune in to Reddit TOMORROW at 11:30am PST2:30pm EST for a REDDIT AMA with Schwarzenegger and acclaimed director/writer David Ayer. These two have a lot to say about their groundbreaking new film, so don’t miss a single second!

But that's not all, be sure to catch the latest the heart-stopping CLIP here! 


SABOTAGE hits theaters everywhere THIS FRIDAY, MARCH 28th, 2014!
In "Sabotage", Arnold Schwarzenegger leads an elite DEA task force that takes on the world's deadliest drug cartels. When the team successfully executes a high-stakes raid on a cartel safe house, they think their work is done - until, one-by-one, the team members mysteriously start to be eliminated.  As the body count rises, everyone is a suspect.
CAST: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sam Worthington, Olivia Williams, Terrence Howard, Joe Manganiello, Harold Perrineau, Josh Holloway and Mireille Enos
DIRECTOR: David Ayer (End Of Watch)
PRODUCERS: Bill Block, Paul Hansen, Joe Roth, Palak Patel, Al Ruddy
WRITERS: Skip Woods and David Ayer 

SABOTAGE Official Social Pages: 
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