Black Sails S1 Finale - "VIII." Review

The season 1 finale of Black Sails served up explosions, cannon fire, and betrayal galore. Flint snapping Gates' neck was an unexpected twist but killing of a lead, especially one with an arguably stronger morality, is a surefire way to tug at the heartstrings of viewers. Max's rise from lady of the night to a quite savvy business woman is perhaps my favourite part of the development of the show's plot and characters. Flint has been shown to have "murdered" Billy Bones, but given the fact that Tom Hopper's Twitter shows him back in South Africa where filming for season 2 has begun and the fact that "lost at sea" is basically code for "we'll bring them back to create more drama," I'd wager we'll see Billy Bones again.

For season 2, I hope to see the show further develop its female characters, as their stories are often more compelling than the incessant greed and power-driven ones of the male captains. Though perhaps a little less Eleanor and more of Max and Anne Bonny. Max's story has developed quite nicely and gained great momentum towards the end of the season and it would seem that the writers have only scratched the surface with Anne. But that hard exterior would be great fun to chip at. John Silver's mischievous ways also proved fun to watch and given the legacy of that character, writers would do well to show more of his sneaking. Finally, I do sincerely hope to see Billy Bones return, not only because of my Merlinian sentimentality, but because of Billy's having one of the stronger morale compasses in a sea of characters with a propensity for shadiness. He could become the heart of the show if the writers would only choose to utilise and develop him further.

Black Sails will return on Starz for season 2!


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