Defiance Press Room at San Diego Comic Con

We popped into the press room for the new Syfy show Defiance in time to chat with a few of the stars. Defiance has had a very successful first season, and Syfy is the perfect home for the series which features a group of humans and aliens struggling to survive in a post-apocalyptic Earth.

We sat down with Julie Benz first, who talked about Amanda’s relationship with her Scotch, and where we find her character at the start of season 2 and the future of the town of Defiance. She talks about being the Mayor of Comic Con, and coming back to her old stomping grounds with a fantastic Science Fiction show. There’s also talk about Amanda and Kenya’s relationship, and possibly getting some friendly guest stars.

Stephanie Leonidas and Jesse Rath sat down next, and Stephanie has got to be the cutest thing ever. They both talked about the extensive makeup process, the anonymity that it provides and the difficulty of working with their contact lenses in. They also talk about their characters parental relationships that will continue to evolve during the second season.
We prodded Grant Bowler for spoilers, but he refused to play. He did tells us about filming pilot and the very different experience than what he was expecting. Originally the show was about seven years later than where they finally decided that the show would actually start, where Nolan and Irisa are just arriving in the town of Defiance. He talks about his character’s motivation, and even his soulmate and where he’s headed for season 2.
If you want to see the pictures from the press room, check out our Flickr Album!


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