Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides

Captain Jack Sparrow is back for the next delightful installment in Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Right from the start Jack is back to his old antics, quickly he's up to his neck in trouble. The king wants the fountain of youth, which just happens to be the last thing that we saw Jack going after.

But of course he's in need of a boat, and it just so happens that someone who claims to be Jack is looking for a crew. Jack has all the luck doesn't he? Soon he finds that its not only a former love, the beautiful Angelica, who just happens to be the daughter of the feared Pirate Blackbeard, who is also in search of the fountain of youth.

The delightful Balbosa also returns joining in on the merry quest for the fountain. And then there are mermaids, Disney or no, Little Mermaid these are not. Not just the beautiful beings that lured sailors to their death, but these things are wickedly vicious!

Although missing the handsome Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan from the previous three, this one fares far better than the third installment in my opinion. Jack and Balbossa play off each other beautifully. I'd have liked to see more scenes with Blackbeard, but not if it meant more with Angelica.

 And for the complaints.The Spanish. They weren't really all that necessary, but they didn't distract either, so really no harm. On the otherhand the 3-D was really unnecessary. In this movie it wasn't really utilized, and therefore the price increase for the 3-D ticket was such a waste. I'm not a huge fan of 3-D, and when I'm forced to watch a movie in the format because it isn't offered in the 2-D format makes me just a little angry.

Overall, On Stranger Tides actually makes me excited for another Pirates flick, if the next is as fun as this one was.


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