My Taylor Lautner Experice At Jimmy Kimmy Live!

It was about 1am in the morning when I decided to check who the guests were for the Jimmy Kimmel Live show in the next few days. It was an even better surprise to find that Taylor Lautner of "The Twilight Saga" fame was making an appearance. I immediately called my cousin aka bestie Jasmine to see if she could come with, but much to OUR disappointment she had to work. I don't usually like to go to events by myself so I asked my 19 year old daughter because after all she is team Jacob, haha. She had just made me a gramma so she declined as well. Off subject, but any chance I can plug being proud of my daughter I will. She says "Mom, I'm a mother now and Layla (her baby) comes first." That is how proud I felt, 'cause she has learned to sacrifice her own needs for the needs of others. I think the word i'm looking for is mature. Ok back to Taylor now, haha.

I just decided I would go by myself and told my daughter I would take some photos for her and even try and get her an autograph. I know Taylor's a young kid and I'm not in the least bit hot for him, but just the fact that he is in Twilight makes me excited. Yes I love ALL that is Twilight! If you have been following me in this blog, you also know that I had met Robert Pattinson, and saw Jackson Rathbone and Ashley Greene in person as well. So yes I was in for another long wait as all these events I attend are long and tedious. I arrive in Hollywood early enough and get in the autograph line that had maybe 7 or 8 people ahead of me. I had just found out about Taylor's appearance this morning so I had an inkling that there wouldn't be that many people there anyway. Since I was by myself, I thought why not try and make some friends. Yes they were about half my age but they didn't know it until I revealed it. They were quite surprised, especially the pair of "gay boys." (They told me to call them that!) They had gotten there an hour before me. Its funny because I told him I still remember him from the Robert Pattinson appearance and I laughed as I told him the story. I told him that he demanded that me and Jasmine get to the back and behind the barricade because he had been there since 5am. Jasmine and I had just left the green room as VIP but we still wanted our photo op and autograph from Rob. The gay boy was so embarrassed about the way he spoke to me so he quickly apologized. I just laughed and told him not to worry about it, shoot I wouldn't want people cutting in front of me and taking my photo and autograph ops either. That whole day was spent sharing our Twilight cast encounters. It was fun and even made friends with one of the paprazzi, and before I knew it was about that time.

Word got out that Taylor Lautner was going to be here, I'd say a couple hundred fans including mega paparazzi had showed up towards the end of the day. Kimmel's security had put up the barricade and it was "on" as everyone tried to get front row. Me and my new found friends stuck by each other and made sure it was us that was standing front row. Evan, one of the "gay boys" told me that he'd make sure I'd get my photo op with Taylor to make up for not getting one with Rob, haha. How sweet and protective he was of me, awesome huh? I said hello to security, made sure they knew I was waiting there in line. I kind of asked one of them to put me on the VIP list since my old high school friend didn't return my text earlier this morning, and plus it was very short notice. It was a crap shoot whether or not I'd be let into the green room or not. Nonetheless, security said it was a no-go and I said oh well, at least I'm in a good spot for the photo and autograph op which is why I went down here to begin with. Taylor definitely had to be on my wall of fame.

I know it was nearing Taylor's entrance into the back alley of Kimmel's building because I watched security as they communicated with their wireless gizmos on their wrists. Yep I was right because next thing you know Taylor walked through the gate and the screaming ended as soon as it began. He just looked back at us and waved, wearing a cool white t-shirt, jeans and some designer sunglasses. He walked in so quickly I couldn't get my camera lens to focus. But you can bet the paparazzi behind me with the $10,000 camera got his shot. And he did damnit! They were awesome photos and I am sure he would make a bundle for those too. I had been shopping around for a camera, ordered one and returned it because it just wasn't right for me, plus the idiot who sold it to me sent me the wrong lenses. Big fiasco that involved my bank getting my money back to me. So yah, I didn't have my pro-dslr camera today so I had to endure using this $200 camera that I bought just for ocassional purposes.

Next thing you know the talent coordinator comes out and the crew start setting up outside about 50 feet from where we were barricaded. Then she talked to security and they come over to us and they have to choose who they want for a segment they want on television involving Taylor and his fans. They all know me and plus I yell out that I have been waiting nine hours out here and they choose me, "the gay boys" and some others that were in the front row already. Yay, I was going to be on tv again! It was freezing cold and we were all shivering, teeth chattering and we didn't care because we were going to meet Taylor. I guessed this segment would air before his onstage appearance, because they shot him with us fans as he took pictures with us and signed posters and magazines. He had changed into a designer dark blue suit and look very nice. After taking a photo with a fan he would always say "awesome," haha.

I video recorded the whole thing and it all took but three minutes, which I had posted on YouTube later that night. Did I ever get my photo op with Taylor? Yup I sure did, as you can see I posted it in this blog. Cute huh? I got a lot of flak after I posted it on Facebook too, everyone telling me what a cute couple we made and when was the wedding etc.... Wow, he is my daughter's yah I told everyone I was not hot for him like that! Since my camera was used to record the event, I had Evan take my picture. I told him he better email me that picture tonight as soon as he got home. He did and I was a happy camper. Not only did I set out to Hollywood by myself, but I made some friends and got some very good tips from paparazzi. Hopefully by my next event I would have my pro-dslr camera and my chances for these very important photos and video would be to my advantage.

Oh and one more thing, lucky thing I was NOT in the green room as VIP because the segment was recorded before the show started and Taylor left after his appearance onstage, escaped not through the front but instead of the back entrance like most do. I would definitely have lost my photo and autograph ops if I were inside. Yes God favored me today, well most days he does but especially this day. I left feeling satisfied with two autographs, one for me and one for my daughter and a head to head photo shot of me and Taylor Lautner aka "Jacob Black" himself.

If you'd like to check out my video go to this link, thanks for watching!


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