Jason Lewis and Yul Vazquez on "Midnight, Texas" Relating to Today's World

Midnight, Texas introduces viewers to a small town predominantly populated by supernatural beings, including vampires, witches, and psychic mediums. There are non-supernatural humans living there as well but for the most part, all are aware of the existence of the supernatural. It's a haven of sorts from the larger world's lack of knowledge of or acceptance of the existence of the supernatural. It's socially relevant parallel to today's tense sociopolitical climate, something series stars Jason Lewis and Yul Vazquez greatly appreciate about the project.

"I'm a geek from the time I was a kid," says Lewis. "I took refuge in story, in libraries and movie theatres. I think as great as it is to be entertaining, that's where story really serves humanity. It lets us know we're not alone. Just because you don't fit in with the people that are immediately in your circumstances doesn't mean you can't find circumstances that you do."

"To have a place where everyone is accepted, particularly with everything that's going on now, everything we're seeing now where people are not only not accepted but being ejected, this is a town where you can live there as you are as long as you don't make any trouble. The only trouble we deal with are outside forces that threaten the existence of this peaceful place. Just behave." Vazquez plays Rev. Emilio Sheehan, a weretiger that struggles to accept his condition, though he cares deeply for his fellow Midnighters. "He goes to Midnight out of necessity. The fact that he has this dual nature where he becomes this tiger and he becomes a reverend and retreats to Midnight to deal with the fact that he has this dark nature that is violent that he is in conflict with. Turning to God and retreating to Midnight are how he copes with this other side."

Just as the residents of Midnight become a family, the cast of the series has bonded over the course of filming. "We shoot in a place that's very isolated," says Vazquez. "There's really not a lot to do and we spend a lot of time with each other. We had very, very long days. Everybody was very cordial and nice to each other. We really just got along and showed up there and got the job done."

"This is a really blessed situation to have so many great people and I think it certainly starts all the way back to Charlaine," adds Lewis. "Charlaine is an incredible, decent human being and so is Monica Owusu-Breen who is our show-creator who took the material and turned it into the TV series. From the very top of our production down through the lines of every department, it seems they just gathered a great group of people that really care about the work and have their humanity well intact."

Watch our full interview with Yul Vazquez and Jason Lewis here:


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