#NYCC: Dark Horse To Publish DRAGON AGE Encyclopedia: WORLD OF THEDAS!‏


October 13, NEW YORK, NY—Dark Horse Comics is thrilled to announce the next comprehensive collection in its growing stable of collectible art books: Dragon Age: The World of Thedas Volume 1!

Invitingly designed and illustrated with hundreds of pieces of lush art from the creators of the games, this is the definitive guide to BioWare’s dark fantasy masterpiece!

For Dragon Age newcomers, this comprehensive volume brings you up to speed on everything you need to know about Dragon Age’s regions, religions, monsters, magic, and more!

For dedicated fans, never before have the secrets of BioWare’s epic fantasy been revealed so completely and so compellingly. The World of Thedas Volume 1 is filled to the brim with never-before-seen art by the creators of the games!

This dramatic, accessible, beautiful tome illuminates the world from the darkest corners of the Deep Roads to the most illusory reaches of the Fade, taking readers on a journey through one of the most fully realized fantasy universes of our time!

Dragon Age: The World of Thedas Volume 1 is on sale April 3, 2013!

For additional information, check out the exclusive on Kotaku!

About Dark Horse
Founded in 1986 by Mike Richardson, Dark Horse Comics has proven to be a solid example of how integrity and innovation can help broaden a unique storytelling medium and establish a small, homegrown company as an industry giant. The company is known for the progressive and creator-friendly atmosphere it provides for writers and artists. In addition to publishing comics from top talent such as Frank Miller, Mike Mignola, Neil Gaiman, Brian Wood, Gerard Way, Felicia Day, and Guillermo del Toro, and comics legends such as Will Eisner, Neal Adams, and Jim Steranko, Dark Horse has developed its own successful properties, including The MaskGhost, Timecop, and SpyBoy. Its successful line of comics and products based on popular properties includes Star WarsMass Effect, Buffy the Vampire SlayerAliensConanEmily the Strange, Tim Burton’s Tragic Toys for Girls and Boys, Serenity, and Domo. Today Dark Horse Comics is the largest independent comic book publisher in the US and is recognized as one of the world’s leading publishers of both creator-owned content and licensed comics material.


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