Grave Encounters 2 Review

Grave Encounters 2 goes back to the creepy asylum to prove that the "found footage" of the first Grave Encounters was in fact real. Film student, Alex Wright gives up on his idea of filming the perfect horror movie to pursue the truth of what happened in the creepy asylum, and he drags his friends along for the ride which none of them are likely to return from.

The establishment of the back story takes awhile to put in place before the group makes their way into the asylum, but once there the pace picks up and brings back much of the same great scares as the original. The insanity is amped up higher, the twists much faster, but the film strays from the whole self-filming schtick.

And it strays drastically at the most climatic part, which is not only distracting but disappointing. Is the premise new? Well no, it's been done before, and better (I'm looking at you Paranormal Activity). But where this film does succeed is the fact that not only does it show the creepy faced ghosts, it does deliver a few scares along with a heap of suspense.

For the low budget of the film, it's done a great job. Now someone needs to throw some real money at the vicious brothers so they can really scare the pants off people.

Grave Encounters 2  is available on VOD today, October 2nd 2012, and in a limited theatrical release October 12, 2012.


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